A poll regarding me.

do you want me/feel like I'm ready for supervisor?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 6 8.1%
  • Haven't played with you

    Votes: 19 25.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 44 59.5%
  • No, I'm a Spaghetti

    Votes: 5 6.8%

  • Total voters
Reaction score
So since the end of July I've been focusing on improving my cop RP. I've studied the laws and rules, became more calm and I feel like I'm ready for supervisor. I want to know though, do you want me/feel like I'm ready to be a supervisor? Please only vote if you had experience with me over the last month.
Mate, I'm not going to sugar coat this, but you really aren't supervisor material.

You are not taken seriously enough in the community, and I have barely seen you in the force recently, whenever I do see you, it shows me exactly why you shouldn't be supervisor.

Be a bit more serious at times, act a bit more mature and stop acting like a victim at the slightest sign of criticism against you.
All that may be a bit hard to achieve, you are only 9 after all.
Thing is that most people don't take you serious as Spaghetti said, and I don't know... I haven't played with you, I think, and if I have, then you did nothing out of the ordinary. I don't know how many of the "No"'s up there are just for "banter", but I will go for a neutral.
I mean, ive played some policeRP with you, and you seem like a super awesome guy!

Im trying to say this the nicest way possible, but... I dont think people will take you very seriously at the age you are at. I mean, your RP is good in itself, but i feel like people might have a hard time taking it seriously.

This doesnt mean that i dont think you should apply, i mean, atleast give it a shot yo!

Hope you understand bud^^

Best of luck!
If you do not believe that you are ready then you are not ready.

Being supervisor is harder than you think I swear most of the time I am a LT I end up doing a Enforcers job.
It is completely up to you but if you think that you cannot do it then you can't.

There is no harm applying anyway all applications supervisor related are private not including the message sent to those who pass stage one, which only applying supervisors and the staff member usually Jordan. There is no shame in applying but it is completely up to you.
All I have heard is that you go up to houses and say "I can smell weed."

If this is the case then I don't think your any where near ready.
Sure, you can roleplay as a cop. BUT, when you "smell" our drugs because you see them through the wall and when you and your officers raided me because I told you I didnt have drugs in a "wierd" way, I dont think you are ready in any way at all.
[DOUBLEPOST=1441908179,1441903886][/DOUBLEPOST]// on phone
It has happened more than once....
[DOUBLEPOST=1441910814][/DOUBLEPOST]//still on phone.
@ErmakDimon You and your friends, happy now?
Well since I'm an inactive nerd I shouldn't really post much.
But some people say that you "smell weed" Which isn't that possible unless it's already being smoked in the area or unless you're very close to the plant. I don't find that so realistic, but whatever you think is RP worthy go ahead and do it :p
I jumped straight into it when i felt i were ready, didn't ask anyone.
Look at me now.

Also you were recently banned. Rip dream.
When dispatcher comes out of testing and applications are open im going for it. Supervisor i went for it because i had the leadership and could represent the police force and I hoped it to be a good exprience.

I was wrong but that is not going to put me off. Supervisor needs most of the values an Enforcer also needs.
As already stated, being supervisor isn't all fun bossing around other cops and having everyone calling you sir. 9/10 times you are struggling with a sweater-vest force who don't follow instructions. Even then every 4 minutes you will get a "LT or Sgt to interrogation room one pls".

(Your recent ban isn't going to help either)
As Murtsley said, you're pretty much still failrping a lot when it comes to police work and I think you might need to wait a long long time