A resignation and a (hopefully temporary) goodbye

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Hi everyone,

As some (or probably most) of you may be aware, I have been conspicuously missing for the past few weeks.
I've unfortunately run into some (more) personal issues. I am alright but I don't have any time or energy to be active as a staff member or as Chief of the PD. I appreciate that this resignation should have come sooner as the PD needs an active leader to be successful but all I can do now is apologise for having made things difficult. I also regret not having been able to make much of an impact as the Chief of Department, I know SMT, the Deputy Chiefs and I had plenty of plans that now will be delayed further as a new Chief is appointed.
I do hope and plan on returning at some point, even if just to check out V6 when it arrives.

Thanks for all the fun times,
John Davids
Massive o7 for you and thanks for all the hard work you put into PD, it was always a pleasure meeting you on duty and I'll surely miss that. Good luck in whatever future brings for you!
Been a pleasure working with you John hope everything is ok and hope it’s not a goodbye forever you will be missed <3


Forever in our hearts
Although I wasn't close friends with you, I remember you being friendly and kind staff member, rper and CoD. I'm sad to see you go and hope your personal issues clear up soon. ( and maybe even see you come back C: )
It is so sad to see you go, John, but real life stuff always comes first, and it is indeed important to prioritize it. I truly wish you all the best for yourself and hopefully you will comeback to play with us soon!
Take care, and stay safe!
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Take care and farewell mate, you will be missed alot and hope you do return at some point. Hope everything goes well for you!