A Story Of A Man

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Zagreb, Croatia
Here I bring u A Story Of A Man. For mlgs only lol.

Once there was a man. His name was Pablo. Pablo was a good man. But then, the Judgement Day happened.

Day 1

I am stuck in the underpass, I drove my car into it and i fell down now I'm stuck! There arent any mods! Oh god, help me!

Day 2

Im still stuck and no mod has yet come. I'm running out of burgers, if I could I would buy some but I'm left here to starve, next to my car in the underpass.

Day 10

I found the exit! Its blocked by sweathervests, I'm gonna have to move them out of my way to freedom!

Day 15

The sweathervests are hostile, I can't go through. I can feel my mind decaying as every sweathervest says :Where is the Drug Dealer?
I cant stand it anymore!

Day 23

Thank god, Madda is on, I hope he will bust me out of this mess!

Day 24

FUCK! Madda isnt doing reports right now! I'm screwed!

Day 30

I can feel my pockets getting smaller and looser as the sweathervests are continuously mugging me under Baseball bat point. I have no choice but to survive!

Day 41

I have eaten my last burger, I have no more money. The sweathervests are getting even more hostile and are now pounching me with baseball bats. I must go to the bathroom to see if I can get something to eat.

Day 45

I have finally made it to the bathroom. I killed a rat but a sweathervest mugged me. Oh god help.

Day 68

@Creepis is online! He'll get me out of here!

Day 86

I have made the report and @Creepis got me out. The sweathervests swarmed out of the underpass. Yelling some slurr of theirs and just making retard sounds. I have finally made it out!.

Day 87

I fell unconcious because of
starvation but a medic revived me. He took me to the PD and the officer gave me 10 years because I 'Failed to yled'.

Day 1000

Im finally out!

Scene photos:


This is a true story, we still remember it to this day. They say If you enter the underpass at exactly 06:66 am, you can hear the sweathervest sound, their souls asking: "Where is the DD?"

I made this for fun, some parts are true some arent. Dont get triggered man.
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