Paralake: Untold stories.

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It was midnight as I arrived in Paralake with an escort to the town hall. Not many stories were told about this place, and I have no clue how to adapt.
The cold winter breeze rushed past my head when I walked down the town hall square, a lot of expensive cars were passing by and I noticed many of the drivers were wearing luxurious and expensive tuxedos and suits and I only wore this gray sweater I was given when I came to this place. Across the road was the police department, an officer exited the building wearing a black uniform with one yellow stripe on each of his shoulders while wearing white gloves.

"I'd love some gloves", I thought to myself as I tried to warm my hands rubbing them against each other.

It didn't last long until I was stone cold wearing only blue jeans and some old shoes, not much of winter clothing.
I crossed the road to the police station and continued on to what seemed like a much larger one to my left.
I looked around trying to figure a way to cross it, looking to my right I could see a set of stairs leading down to something looking like a subway. Not exactly what I thought of, besides that would only lead me to a train, wouldn't it?

I see a man passing by at a fast pace, seemingly jogging.

"Hey!" I shouted trying to make contact.

The man rudely ignores me and jogs past, leaving me with no other choice other than to cross the four lane road. How bad could it really be?
I stepped onto the dark, cold snow covered road. One step after another while rapidly checking both my sides, to make sure the coast was clear, mainly to avoid being hit by cars passing by.

A bunch of noise came from behind, a car honking at what appears to be me.
I take my eyes of the road and instantly stop as I'm halfway over, looking dead ahead was a dark green orb which appeared out of nowhere.

"Uhm... Hel-" I was interrupted mid-sentence as I was lifted into the air by a beam emitting from the orb, flying across Paralake and I couldn't move, until I was finally placed down on what appears to be a roof.
I couldn't even react, it happened so fast...

"What in the actual fuck?" I interrupt my own thoughts as the green orb disappears

Just seconds later a man appears out of nowhere, opening his mouth in an attempt to speak, but before I realize he's trying to speak I interrupt him.

"What the hell did you do? Who are you?" I stopped myself, trying to gather all the information I could about what just happened. "Was that you?"

"That was very much me." He replied in a calm and deep voice. "Right, playtime is..." He mumbled to himself.

"You say play-what now?"

"Playtime." He replied "Literally one minute, and I thought you agreed to the rules?"

"What rules?" I reply, confused and I have literally no clue what he's talking about.

"You agreed to the rules upon joining the server and clicking the I agree button." This time replying with a slightly louder and stricter voice.

"Alright, next time don't run over the highway as you wouldn't do that in real life, now would you? Also I highly suggest reading up on the rules some more before going ham. This is just a verbal warning, don't do it again, you hear me?"

Before I could even question his twisted logic he disappeared, a green orb emitting a faint hue of green light appears and it shoots straight into my chest, rapidly lifting me up and placing me down on the ground again...

Author's note
So I tried to make something enjoyable, and put my writing skills to the test. Feel free to correct any spelling mistakes and minor errors, I am open for criticism and feedback
This is my first time trying to take on a somewhat professionally written story.
Hope you enjoyed it.

Depending on the feedback I may write more.
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Cool! (Based on true stories of 125 sweatervests with literally 1 minute playtime) You should make some more, Call it "Adventures of a Sweatervest"