Model Suggestion A visual indicator for Tazers

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Suggestion Title: A visual indicator for tazers
Suggestion Description: Add some sort of thin but still noticable rope/wire (maybe in style of CS:GO defuse kit when defusing) that comes out when firing the tazer to visualize it that one has actually been fired (as of now it's just invisible). This is usually accompanied with confetti to show where the Officer has discharged their tazer, I'm not sure if confetti is already implemented for the Tazer upon firing. These wires would be attached to the players body to additionally show who they're attached to.

@FirePlug™ came up with the idea on PLPD.Online, thanks frend.

Why should this be added?:
-A visual indicator for Police and civilians to show that a tazer has been deployed and fired, currently we only have sound.
-Can give you an approximation of the tazers effective range (about 10 feet / 3 meters)

What negatives could this have?:
-Not a big priority, just a small change to make the tazer more realistic and maybe more fun to use as it would have complete visuals.

Useful Images:

They're faint but you can make out the wires in some other models.
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Not a HUGE change but it really does add in realism, and realism is important for perpheads. I think
The issue is, these always look like fried shit on gmod. If it can be made to look good then yes I agree with adding it.

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