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@John Daymon Abduski isn't getting bullied. The whole community sees him as a god given gift. Besides that he does wonderful rp and is quite funny at times.
He puts himself in the center so it's not bullying.
@John Daymon lowkey got bullied in school and now is the loyal guardian of all who get bullied but he is blinded by the fact that he believes everyone gets bullied merely by the impression of rude in-character talk.
If you think that @ErmakDimon felt targeted by me you're wrong, I've stuck up for that kid several times and we're good mates. You know nothing about him so shut your fucking mouth about him. Seriously.

Putt your reading glasses on and you will see that i am not fucking talking about ermak john is bringing ermak up forno reason because he doesnt know wtf is goin on

Mate get out of yhe situation i am not talking about ermak how the hell do you even think i am? Your bringing yourself and another person i to a situation YOU dont know.

And just to clear it up for you i have nothing against ermak and i have said previous times before they shouldnt annoy him for the thing he putts on yt since they would be too big of a pussy to do so themselves. But this whole thing has 0 todo with erak so shut it
This is the funniest shit I've read in a while, but @draftking it's probably time to stop arguing, from what I can see you're just talking out your arse at this point. and @John Daymon it's probably time to stop retaliating Just stay out of each others way, else this could end catastrophically. :(
This is the funniest shit I've read in a while, but @draftking it's probably time to stop arguing, from what I can see you're just talking out your arse at this point. and @John Daymon it's probably time to stop retaliating Just stay out of each others way, else this could end catastrophically. :(

Thank you but i dont need your advice to tell me whag i should say. Ive got some stuff for yiu too but thats not for this thread
Thank you but i dont need your advice to tell me whag i should say. Ive got some stuff for yiu too but thats not for this thread
That's very kind. I appreciate that, or perhaps you could just not cause arguements with people from now on and attempt to be a normal player? Seriously, cut it out. This post isn't even about your beef with Daymon, so there's no need to discuss it here. Talk it out elsewhere.
I just type some shit and then the reactions cause it. The funny part is yall are pissed off so fast over nothin.
i shoulIve got some stuff for yiu too but thats not for this thread

People wouldn't get pissed off fast if you weren't trying to make problems. You said yourself just then, you have an issue with me but that's for another thread. I'd rather not have a thread of you talking shite to be fair.

Maybe if you started showing respect for people then you'd have more friends on the server. Respect is earned you know, I'd imagine you have a few issues getting that.

Also, rating my content dumb because I rated one of your replies dumb just shows pure immaturity. Grow the fuck up.

Now, cut it out. It's gone far enough, this is entirely off topic with what this post was for.
People wouldn't get pissed off fast if you weren't trying to make problems. You said yourself just then, you have an issue with me but that's for another thread. I'd rather not have a thread of you talking shite to be fair.

Maybe if you started showing respect for people then you'd have more friends on the server. Respect is earned you know, I'd imagine you have a few issues getting that.

Now, cut it out. It's gone far enough, this is entirely off topic with what this post was for.

I have enough friends on the server. Dont know what shite your talking about. I would want to be friends with ppl i start a discussion with. I could say a lot more but you are also not in the sit. Snd i wouldnt want to gain respext from people who start cheaying wjen they bored or who RDM because thats the only way they can leave the server or people who scream out theg dont give a fuck anout anyone or any rules etc because thags a big part of the ppl
How to be a draftking in few easy steps:
1. Present shit unfounded arguments to a useless discussion you started.
2. Say people got pissed off so you can assert your non-existant dominance in a discussion.
3. Be generally below the average IQ number.
4. You are now draftking.

Nice vid btw very funny
I have enough friends on the server. Dont know what shite your talking about. I would want to be friends with ppl i start a discussion with. I could say a lot more but you are also not in the sit. Snd i wouldnt want to gain respext from people who start cheaying wjen they bored or who RDM because thats the only way they can leave the server or people who scream out theg dont give a fuck anout anyone or any rules etc because thags a big part of the ppl
Took me a while looking through a dictionary to try and work out most of those words, but there we go.

I don't know who you're referring to when you're talking about RDM just to leave the server, or any of the things you've just brought up. Most people play normally every day and enjoy themselves, no rule breaks or anything like that. You seem to be stereotyping everyone because of the actions of a minority? That's silly.

This thread isn't for this sort of arguement though, so don't bother replying. There's no need to continue this discussion so don't bother replying.

Thank you :)
I have enough friends on the server. Dont know what shite your talking about. I would want to be friends with ppl i start a discussion with. I could say a lot more but you are also not in the sit. Snd i wouldnt want to gain respext from people who start cheaying wjen they bored or who RDM because thats the only way they can leave the server or people who scream out theg dont give a fuck anout anyone or any rules etc because thags a big part of the ppl
You haven't said anything about the sit, you said I targeted someone by you never mentioned who, when I asked @Bolli if I had any accepted complaints about targeting other than on the person who I've apologised to and he stated that I didn't, not anything that had to be mentioned atleast, please just pull up some facts about the person instead. It's annoying me that you're thinking you're the one who got me demoted to moderator and that you take pride to it, been three times where I've been close to just banning you now.
You haven't said anything about the sit, you said I targeted someone by you never mentioned who, when I asked @Bolli if I had any accepted complaints about targeting other than on the person who I've apologised to and he stated that I didn't, not anything that had to be mentioned atleast, please just pull up some facts about the person instead. It's annoying me that you're thinking you're the one who got me demoted to moderator and that you take pride to it, been three times where I've been close to just banning you now.


I do not think i am the reason that got you demoted as my reports on you were replied to and solved by Bolli in march, He said hed talk to you thats all it was needed there is no reason for you to do some shit to people when you are an admin. However you stated yourself you said things to someone who didnt like it and that one got you demoted because he felt you targeted him and that wasnt me because my reports were solved way before you got demoted. But it did turn out that Bolli talking to you twice didnt resolve anything for other people it did for me but you just went and choose a diffirent person that got you demoted?

I am 100% sure it wasnt because of my reports if it was i wouldve said it. to you in a previous post or just now? I wouldnt take pride id only be happy that the situation was resolved and justice was done just like you ban someone for breaking a rule.
How about we go back to talking about what a great guy @MrWoLfX is? This argument is both pointless and out of place. If you want to go fight start a PM or something but this thread is about the incredible dude that is Abduski. When I first saw Abduski I just rolled my eyes but I quickly realized how different he is. For someone who sounds like he's always joking around he is actually surprisingly serious. I also have yet to see him break character and start talking about OOC stuff through his mic. Something most players, including myself do. The fact that he is nearly omnipresent around the city is funny as hell. No matter where you go, Abduski shows up at some point. Not only is it his voice, but the way he chooses to speak, and the words he uses I find just utterly hilarious. Abduski has made my time much more enjoyable on Perpheads and I definitely hope he sticks around for a while.

Rock on my friend.
Daftking and G@ymon can you like go away.

I agree with this recommendation ever though I occasionally have wanted to commit suicide whilst seeing him on duty.
He’s got the heart and gives 10/10 effort. Well done.
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