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You have not once mentioned which "kid" Daymon has "bullied", you're causing problems and a complete slander-fest against Daymon. You're bringing up a situation which, for all I can see, has nothing to do with Abduski or this thread so I suggest you stop replying. This is not the time or the place to be discussing this.

If you have reason to believe Daymon has "bullied" people outside of this thread and who are not involved in this, confront him in a PM or make a Staff Complaint.
You have not once mentioned which "kid" Daymon has "bullied", you're causing problems and a complete slander-fest against Daymon. You're bringing up a situation which, for all I can see, has nothing to do with Abduski or this thread so I suggest you stop replying. This is not the time or the place to be discussing this.

If you have reason to believe Daymon has "bullied" people outside of this thread and who are not involved in this, confront him in a PM or make a Staff Complaint.

You also do not know what is going on and still you reply from what i can see what ur writing. Daymon got demoted because he was bullying someone which he wont say who and that doesnt matter we dont need to know. He wrote a reply and i only wrote that it was him syaing not to bully
You also do not know what is going on and still you reply from what i can see what ur writing. Daymon got demoted because he was bullying someone which he wont say who and that doesnt matter we dont need to know. He wrote a reply and i only wrote that it was him syaing not to bully
Excuse me but can you actually read? I never once said I knew anything about the situation, which is exactly why I said that you hadn't mentioned who Daymon was allegedly "bullying". Instead of telling everyone that we don't know anything, you could start by clearing some of this up. You're obviously replying just to get a reaction out of other members but when the replies don't go your way or aren't what you want them to be you accuse them of not knowing anything.

If the situation you are talking about doesn't involve either Ermak or Abduski who are both part of this thread now, I suggest you stop replying and take it up with Daymon personally.

You're only trying to direct beef at Daymon but it keeps backfiring. Also, I am not trying to get involved which is what you implied in your reply, but I am much rather trying to tell you to shut up in a more polite way. Obviously you didn't take the hint.

Shut up.
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You also do not know what is going on and still you reply from what i can see what ur writing. Daymon got demoted because he was bullying someone which he wont say who and that doesnt matter we dont need to know. He wrote a reply and i only wrote that it was him syaing not to bully
You're ruining a recommendation post towards a conmunity member instead of taking it in private, do you think that's alright? I don't. You've multiple times been told to stop, by multiple different people, but you don't stop. My sister on 9 is more mature than you, and that's not a good thing. Pack your shit together and take another look at shat your actually doing. Not only are you ruining a thread that was supposed to be friendly, you're also causing unneccessary drama.
You also do not know what is going on and still you reply from what i can see what ur writing. Daymon got demoted because he was bullying someone which he wont say who and that doesnt matter we dont need to know. He wrote a reply and i only wrote that it was him syaing not to bully
I never bullied anyone @Kjrn16 felt targeted by me because of a fucked up comment I made that I Agreed with her that I shouldnt have Said because it was plain stupid, you say you know I bullied a kid, tell me what fucking kid instead of being a jackass on the forums stirring shit up against me. Me and Rebecca are fair and square now, we've sorted that situation. I wasn't demoted for that situation, however it was one of the reasons that built up to a demotion. So shut the fuck up.
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