Ability to crowbar open trunks

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Imagine how good it would be if you could use a crowbar to pry open car trunks? It would actually make people more cautious to what they have in it. And you could actually accomplish something when you steal a car instead of just having someone wanting to kos you.
That’s what your actual storage is for. In real life you would be able to pry open someone’s trunk. Why shouldn’t you be able to do it on here?
Imagine how good it would be not to have your entire org perm banned
People like realism, that's fine, but there needs to be some sort of fun to it. You don't want people going into your trunk that's considered safe and take an AS50 or an M82 out? No one would want that. There needs to be that balance of fun and realism, and I don't think this isn't going to make anyone happy besides those who abuse and tryhard the crowbar onto the trunks of cars. 1.2K can lead to 30K in seconds at the click of a button.
I was literally thinking about this last night and was going to make a suggestion but after reading the comments here I’ve realised that it wouldn’t be as such of a good idea as I was thinking
Christ and I thought my suggestions were bad.

EDIT: Imagine putting an M82 in trunk to go bank raiding with org, then it gets stolen and your org kicks you out.
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