Ability to lockpick/crowbar chests and crafting tables

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: Add the ability to lockpick/crowbar chests and crafting tables to steal the contents inside

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Would allow people to rob the contents of the crafting tables and chests
- Would stop chests from being used as quick storage during raids without any counter
- Would deter people from loading chests full of valuable items, while the chest itself cannot be mugged the contents can still be stolen

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- People would be upset when they find their chest in the middle of the farm with the contents missing
- People may steal the chest in public (however I feel that this falls under theft so it can be dealt with IC whether by cops or by the person)
- Crafters and those who load the chest with drying materials would be negatively affected

*Other additions:
Would incentivise people to keep their valuables safe, hidden and protected!

The reason of the chests is to keep items secure and private including crafting tables
i dont want some random coming along and stealing 20k in pistols or what ever is in my stuff just because

this would make it horrible inbalanced and favour the raiders so -minus support if you want money raid a drug house or something
this is a solution to a ''problem'' that doesnt need fixing
The reason of the chests is to keep items secure and private including crafting tables
i dont want some random coming along and stealing 20k in pistols or what ever is in my stuff just because

this would make it horrible inbalanced and favour the raiders so -minus support if you want money raid a drug house or something
this is a solution to a ''problem'' that doesnt need fixing
God forbid the person robbing you is able to rob even more
God forbid the person robbing you is able to rob even more
yeah but even more can be 100k to 250k worth of shit in your chest this would make raiding so inbalanced and aids
yeah but even more can be 100k to 250k worth of shit in your chest this would make raiding so inbalanced and aids
dont keep 100k worth of stuff out in the open then, same way how you dont keep 500 leaves on you at a time
dont keep 100k worth of stuff out in the open then, same way how you dont keep 500 leaves on you at a time
yeah but the thing is some comapnies like having there stuff in crates
im sorry but the way raiding works now is fine and this suggestion would make raiding so OP i might as well become a full time raider too
-10 downvotes from the people who want to keep their immunity against being robbed of their stuff I personally think this would be really good
perp way too forgiving this fixes that instantly

its high risk high reward because its very public 99% of the time
dont keep 100k worth of stuff out in the open then, same way how you dont keep 500 leaves on you at a time
This is ridiculous. Keeping chests in your own property, house even, is not in the open. Yet you're willing to subject crafters and private users of chests to this utter stupidity. This benefits only one party, and that's those who already excessively raid.
This idea heavily discourages crafting and the limited use of storage chests even more, so you'll never see me crafting again, alongside some other people.
This is ridiculous. Keeping chests in your own property, house even, is not in the open. Yet you're willing to subject crafters and private users of chests to this utter stupidity. This benefits only one party, and that's those who already excessively raid.
This idea heavily discourages crafting and the limited use of storage chests even more, so you'll never see me crafting again, alongside some other people.
This is ridiculous. Keeping chests in your own property, house even, is not in the open. Yet you're willing to subject crafters and private users of chests to this utter stupidity. This benefits only one party, and that's those who already excessively raid.
This idea heavily discourages crafting and the limited use of storage chests even more, so you'll never see me crafting again, alongside some other people.
Do you really think it's ridiculous for people to be able to rob you?
This suggestion seems like a '' i still wanna make money from raiding bussines shops that dont grow anything''
no offence but you might as well remove the chest as no one will use it and this will destroy the crafting market as it will become way more high risk and not worth it as crafting involves spending hundreds of thousands and building a reputation before you start making cash
this'll give raiders more reasons to raid seemingly empty shops with chests in them
Would incentivise people to keep their valuables safe, hidden and protected!
and would make mugging more viable than it currently is, seeing as theyd have to go to the back of their shop to grab a gun to put up for sale
i can imagine a "make trunk accessible after stealing a vehicle" thread soon
Do you really think it's ridiculous for people to be able to rob you?
i think its ridiculous to add a suggestion that would make raiding so OP the shops would basically be gone unless they were super careful
raiders already have a massive profit if done right and they should maybe pick there targets more carefully instead of raiding any bob dick and joe and then complaining when they dont profit because the person doesnt grow sorry but being able to take stuff from chests is one of the worst suggestions ive seen
this'll give raiders more reasons to raid seemingly empty shops with chests in them

and would make mugging more viable than it currently is, seeing as theyd have to go to the back of their shop to grab a gun to put up for sale
i can imagine a "make trunk accessible after stealing a vehicle" thread soon
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the thing is raiders already have a massive advantage raiding as is is perfectly fine and for stealing items from car's its also a very poor suggestion that would make perp aids
To me it seems a bit weird of everyone defending a money-making tactic with absolutely 0 risks, if you can just hide everything in boxes you have 0 risk in what you are doing, which is making guns and selling them to people that use them for crime, don't you think there should be some risk attached to something like that? I don't think you should be able to flaunt weapon crafting in front of people's faces and not expect people to try and take it from you. I think this suggestion would actually give some risk for these mass crafters. Just defend your business, like everyone else has to, don't hide behind flawed server settings.
next suggestion: remove raid timer and allow shooting unarmed people in raids
You know raid timer is fairly new in itself and people were fine with raids being handled in RP, for some reason rules now have to get in the way and prevent people from playing normally.
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