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Well as we all know acne will come to you someday in life, and I as many others suffer from acne, back-acne (back-ne) and pimples.
I just wanted to you guys' opinion on it and maybe share some tips on how to lower the outbursts.
I personally think acne is one of the worst thing you go through in life. I'll probably have pimples when I'm 30 lol.
I would say it would be better to visit your local national health service general practitioner to seek advice rather than on a gaming community.
hang your head above steam (hot water in sink then towel on your head to catch steam),toothpaste overnight,alcohol gel. And never ever pop them since it'll make it worse
Dont pop your pimples.
Take a towel, soak it in hot water and put it on your face.
This should help a bit (never had severe acne, but of course I was a teenager once and this helped quite a bit)
As many people have already suggested you should seek your doctor. He/she will most likely send you to a dermatologist or a specialist. I once had prescription medicine issued for a slightly similar condition/problem but mainly facially and not extremely severe but still enough to bother me. The side effects were severe and alcohol was banned throughout 1 year. I had to attend to the hospital frequently for blood tests because the prescription medicine was harsh to the liver and other vital organs. My skin was extremely dry as well. However, the results were satisfying and I haven't had anything since. Also keep in mind that acne is a natural part of being a teenager. If it bothers you physically/mentally then it's worth to seek help.

I hope my answer helped you @MatStar