action man request on xhantium harper for 1.3

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Kiev, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
Your Steam/In-game Name: Harry Barnett/Hazza56
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Xhantium Harper/[loads of stuff]Xhantium[other stuff]
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:21957724
Why Should This Player Be Punished: For his constant breaking of 1.3 slander.
Evidence (Demo Required): I don't really see why a demo is required for him accusing people of breaking rules.
I'm also sure there are other people who have witnessed his horrible slander. I have evidence of a case today in OOC: [OOC] [] Xhantium * Tuborg.d: Nice rdm whoever shot me.
I'm completely baffled as to why Mister Riddle didn't punish Xhantium since he is constantly slandering people when he feels a bit upset in OOC (I got banned for breaking 1.1 when my reason for doing so was being outraged at his slander) and he clearly doesn't understand the rule, hence why I feel he should be punished for his breach of the rules.

I found more slander of his in the console before I closed GMod, further proving he has no care for the rule 1.3 and deserves to be punished for it.
[OOC] [] Xhantium * Tuborg.d: How could you gurantee it was me tho? remember rule 3.5 and 6.1
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This was dealt with by riddle ic and I was warned not to do this again (if I did I would receive a ban) so I don't get why you take this further
I was there at the time, and I couldn't help but notice the OOC chat light up with Xhantium's accusations that Harry had RDM'd him. It's not the first time he's slandered someone over OOC, and I very sincerely doubt it'll be the last time he will.
This has my full support.
I always see Xhauntium slandering in ooc chat about rdm etc; I think that he needs to learn the rule because i also don't think this will be the last time. +support
Something needs to be done about this, constant slander day after day........+Support
I've been there aswell and Xhantium refused to realise that he is slandering, even after Harry (maybe others aswell, not completly sure) asked him to stop. He said all the time that Harry "RDM'ed" him and that he couldn't be sure it was him, because he died. As already metioned, this wasn't the first time he broke 1.3 and I am sure he is going to break 1.3 again.
I agree with this AR yesterday on sat 3 October there was a big shoot out he then was killed by harry Barnett after that he caused a big argument in ooc of harry rdming I kept telling him to report it via /report about 3 to 4 times and he kept saying I have already made one but carried on arguing in ooc with harry Barnett he clearly does not know the rule 1.3 and in my point of view and what I seen in the server yesterday he does not know 1.3. I support this because of his constant slander in ooc.
Utter aids of slander in the shoutbox last night. Xhantium would constantly accuse Hazza of RDMING, instead of making reports he would just continue for nearly 10 minutes slandering Hazza. He should of known just to wait for his report to be dealt with. +support
Not to mention that he breaks it on pretty much a daily basis...
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