Action request Billy Savery

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] [Helper] Prepper / Bob Nixon

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Billy Savery / Billy Belinsky

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:77689301

Why Should This Player Be Punished?: The player intentionally violated server rule 3.21 and didn't seem to regret his actions afterwards. I have reasons to believe that his "I-don't-care-about-the-server-rules-attitude" harms the server and the community in general. It's such a minor violation and such a simple rule. @BillySavery has been around for quite a while and I was surprised to see that he doesn't even bother to play in accordance to such a simple server rule:




@BillySavery's previously issued bans:


Additional ban request:

Why Should This Player Be Punished?:
The player attempted to "bend" the server rules regarding 1.1 and 2.5. Him and I had a minor dispute in the OOC chat since he called another Danish person "Copenhagen pig". Copenhagen is the capital in Denmark and since I live in the suburban area of Copenhagen I was offended due to the discriminatory combination of the aforementioned words. Afterwards I became a Law Enforcement Officer and I was patrolling the perimeter of the Police Department on foot. Suddenly I saw that Billy Belinsky wrote something in Danish IC'ly and since my character is mainly English I see no reason of why he had the urge to write the following message in my presence: "Gå hjem og knep din ludermor din møgkælling".

Roughly translated from Danish to English he said: "Go home and fuck your whore-mother you bitch". The circumstances were strange and since he repeated himself 5 times I knew that he was intentionally targeting me and my character. The reason of why he said this is because he knows that you can't say such things OOC'ly. Therefore he took advantage of his rule knowledge and attempted to abuse/exploit it by insulting me OOC'ly through IC communication. He then pretended like it wasn't directed towards me but I'm quite sure that I was the only Danish speaking person around at the time and he even repeated himself in my presence while approaching me. It became very obvious that it was directed towards me since he stopped walking and took time to write the disrespectful message when I went past him outside of Paralake Police Dept.



1.1 for being disrespectful towards me for OOC reasons through IC and 2.5 by targeting my character and saying things that only I would understand which had something to do with the previous OOC dispute. @Madda and @AyJay can confirm this. They encouraged me to implement this to the previous action request stated above.



Realistically speaking, why would a person go to an English speaking Law Enforcement Officer and insult him in a different language? He also knew it was me because he most likely saw my IC name. He attempted to evade the consequences by claiming that the disrespectful statement was directed towards another person (who wasn't there to begin with).
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Evidence shows he doesen't give a damn about the rules.
And that he broke 3.21.

Earlier today he also showed his disregard to rule 3.22, even when I tried to let him know kindly he was breaking it. I generally think he just does not care about the rules.
Full accept any punishment/warning.

3.21 is a rule I do not care about because it is only enforced by enforcers and I don't come on the server enough to care about that rule.

That is only the rule I don't care about though and I don't see how it harms the server or community in anyway, like I said, if I get hit by a car then I might learn a lesson and not do it again.

Earlier today he also showed his disregard to rule 3.22, even when I tried to let him know kindly he was breaking it. I generally think he just does not care about the rules.

Just like to point out that Bolli verbally warned me for this and that I was just trolling you because you are easy to wind up.
First part:

User clearly walked over the higway. There could easily have come a car and killed him.

Second part:

User disrespected Prepper by saying "Gå hjem og knep din ludermor din møgkælling". It is true that it means "Go home and fuck your whore-mom you bitch" and it was directed towards Prepper. Why would he otherwise walk right towards an officer and say it right next to him then stop up and look back at the officer.

+Support on both of these. User has no respect for the server rules. Neither does he have respect for players on the server. This attitude does not belong in this community.

This is clearly IC, why would you give a shit?
1.1 only counts for ooc.

To me this is an invalid AR over 1.1.
Just because someone says something disrespectful over local IC chat, doesn't mean you can make an AR. If you payed attention to the rules, you'd know that OOC and IC are separate things. You can be as disrespectful as you like IC but OOC towards other people generally just is disgusting.


However, +Support to the AR over 3.21. Most reasons are listed above.
You have clearly displayed evidence that he simply has no wish to follow the rules and as most of the staff would say "You agree to the rules when you close the F1 menu that appears automaticly". This to my knowledge is also banable but not listed.

I see clear evidence of him exploiting a loop hole in the rules to offend you, if it was supposed to be IC then it is metagaming due to him not knowing IC that your character is not danish.

We all should get along but this guy was really asking for a ban I don't even think he should get the chance for a apology

He treated a community member like crap and he clearly has no intention of disputing this. Since he disrespected a community member I will see how he likes it.

Get the hell out of our community until you can be bothered to behave.
With regards to 1.1, I was randomly saying stuff in OOC that was being translated to me over Steam. Just because it was in Danish doesn't mean it was directed to you. I just thought it was funny to say these things. At no point did I direct these insults towards you unless you provide proof that I did, in my opinion that is invalid.


Also, IC, how do you know my character isn't Danish? Not only that but I was in the car with Frank and Sinchi Kagawuchi or whatever his name is. So how do you know I wasn't talking to them?

On the additional AR both 1.1 and 2.5 is invalid.

P.s. 3.21 is still valid.
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