Action Request (CentralMint)

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This is a pretty out-of-context clip and is pretty deceitful. This guy had stolen an item from me as it was dropped, I believe it was a "theft item" and a fight started between him and me, I was knocked out but never died. I then dedicated my time hunting him down until I saw him at the Bazz., where I then pulled my gun and blasted him. At the time I didn't notice any officers around me so I did the deed and ran off, I was never caught.
This is a pretty out-of-context clip and is pretty deceitful. This guy had stolen an item from me as it was dropped, I believe it was a "theft item" and a fight started between him and me, I was knocked out but never died. I then dedicated my time hunting him down until I saw him at the Bazz., where I then pulled my gun and blasted him. At the time I didn't notice any officers around me so I did the deed and ran off, I was never caught.
1, i never stole from u
2, u punched me i punched u back
3, the person that knocked u out wasnt me
4, check ur surroundings before just blasting someone
This is a pretty out-of-context clip and is pretty deceitful.

Feel free to provide evidence of your claims then. He claims he never stole anything from you so get a clip of that and the fight you two had and whatever other context you feel was left out. This is just to justify the killing, which would only really be valid if he did knock you out and run off. @CentralMint You have 24 hours

On the other hand, when committing crimes it's your responsibility to take precautions to make sure the risk to your life and freedom of imprisonment is reduced to a minimum, which you had not done - regardless if you had gotten away or not.
Unfortunately for me I never saved any footage from this incident, I wasn't expecting this incident to escalate in the manner it is now. He did steal from me and he was the one to knock me out.

I don't see how I violated 3.4 when the coast was clear and the cop seen in the clip was in the indent of the Baz and then left, to me this really seems like a stretch. I'm assuming you are referring to this under 3.4 "Committing a violent or serious crime, such as murder, theft, arson, etc. whilst knowing that police are in direct eyeshot of the scene you wish to commit the crime at." I didn't know the cop was there in the indent, he most likely just showed up and then left immediately after. You can see in the clip he was no longer there.
Unfortunately for me I never saved any footage from this incident, I wasn't expecting this incident to escalate in the manner it is now. He did steal from me and he was the one to knock me out.

I don't see how I violated 3.4 when the coast was clear and the cop seen in the clip was in the indent of the Baz and then left, to me this really seems like a stretch. I'm assuming you are referring to this under 3.4 "Committing a violent or serious crime, such as murder, theft, arson, etc. whilst knowing that police are in direct eyeshot of the scene you wish to commit the crime at." I didn't know the cop was there in the indent, he most likely just showed up and then left immediately after. You can see in the clip he was no longer there.
I'm not involved however I'd like to inform you that you still have footage of the event its just in your demo files which staff can give you the name of to get the footage for
I didn't know the cop was there in the indent

The issue is that you must take precautions before deciding to murder someone in the most public area in the city, which you failed to do.

You can use this guide to access your demos and record it with some software and upload it to youtube.

Demos are stored in your game directory under data/phdemos

Demo name: perpheads_demo_2022-9-15 17-38-52
How can you say I failed to take any precautions when I did and I believe escaped scott free? This seems really vague can you explain more what exactly you are referring to, the cop or something else? If it's the cop he didn't even see it.
How can you say I failed to take any precautions when I did, this seems really vague can you explain more what exactly you are referring to, the Cop or something else? If it's the cop he didn't even see it.

"The issue is that you must take precautions before deciding to murder someone in the most public area in the city, which you failed to do."

You should look around and make sure there is no police in the immediate area when you are killing someone, which you failed to do considering there was one standing right there.
The cop appeared last second, I had already scoped the area out I then pulled out the gun. This seems like a fat stretch to me. And you saying "which you failed to do considering there was one standing right there." just seems like a very ignorant statement. Dish out whatever punishment you want, it's clear to me that you are already set on handing it out regardless of what I say.
I’d also like too add, before u got knocked out I had just loaded in or just respawned, (don’t remember exactly)

User will be banned 3 days for 2.5 and 3.4. @CentralMint you failed to back up your claims and provide evidence of the situation and you had been given an extended period of time to do so.
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