Action Request (Dapsas)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: LtWolf
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Player's Steam Name: Dapsas
Player's Roleplay Name: Trauk Sankaba
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56733990

Why should this player be punished?: I was clearly told that Trauk was escaping from police for no reason and then he escapes them and comes to bizarre. He asks me to hide in my shop so I lock him inside and then call the cops on him. Cops arrive and the door is opened for them. Trauk is then gunpointed at point blank range and he proceeds to pull out a bat from his ass and try to kill the cop bat vs gun after being ordered to put his hands up (3.4) and then after he gets caught and arrested for a minor crime with a minor sentence he comes back and pulls out an AK and shoots me dead for it (2.5) and (3.4). After killing me and stabbing me with my own katana then getting it confiscated, I went on duty and then he then after being arrested quit the server to avoid having his ak-101 being confiscated and in turn did not get his 9.5 conviction after we got DNA of the murder fully voiding the roleplay and not being punished for anything while also talking a lot of trash in LOOC and threatening an AR.

Proof of DNA and 9.5:

Proof of killing:

Proof of Quitting to avoid roleplay and his gun took and his sentence:

Proof of 3.4 at point blank direct gunpoint:

Evidence Link:
@LtWolf You didn't see the most important part , when he looked to other side and took cuffs to his hands to try handcuff me , then i pulled a bat on the officer.

2nd thing , i shot you for locking me up in your bazaar shop , holding me there for 10 minutes while police arrives , you got shot for snitching , after i shot you , i immediatly dipped.

3nd thing , you started completely to target me after all that time you decided before putting me to jail , to go check for my weapon , i went to sleep , had no more time to stay online.
@LtWolf You didn't see the most important part , when he looked to other side and took cuffs to his hands to try handcuff me , then i pulled a bat on the officer.

2nd thing , i shot you for locking me up in your bazaar shop , holding me there for 10 minutes while police arrives , you got shot for snitching , after i shot you , i immediatly dipped.

3nd thing , you started completely to target me after all that time you decided before putting me to jail , to go check for my weapon , i went to sleep , had no more time to stay online

1) confirmed 3.4. imagine you were solo mugging and the guy you have gun pointed shoots you while you try to use the game mechanic of zip tying. He still gun pointed you and that is bat vs gun, no value of life.

2) It was no more than 6 minutes at most and when cops did come I didn't admit to snitching I didn't say anything to you about helping them. Even if you found out, you still lied here because the cops said you used my own katana to finish me off.

3) I got on duty after wards and handled your 9.5 DNA-backed arrest and I caught an important detail the officers missed. I am a Senior officer and my job is to help officers out when they miss important stuff like this. You killed somebody with a AK-101 and stored it, the gun is around. Watch the clip I clearly say I need you there to get it out because realistically I would search for it but in game you can't as a cop go through somebody's stash or trunk only they can so I had to take you with me.

4) If you have no time to roleplay then don't roleplay scenes and try to half-ass it or kill a cop and whine when they arrest you and have to properly process you and if you have no time to roleplay don't sit in OOC talking trash and actually try to explain and talk because if staff checks logs they can see you going off with your friends and being really cocky, it's not that deep.

5) I did not put you in jail, that's lie number 2. You (caught on video) left the server to avoid being arrested and having your gun confiscated which you powerfully stored in a stash that we can't search.

6) I never interacted with you before or after this scene itself. I only trapped you, died to you and then went on duty and was called to take over.

Dapsas will receive a ban proportionate to the confirmed rulebreaks in this series of events.

@Dapsas will be punished for breaking 3.4, and 3.20.

he will not be punished for 2.5.
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