Action Request (Liam)

Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Maggy
Your Roleplay Name: Maggy Hanma
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:417988147

Player's Steam Name: Liam
Player's Roleplay Name: Liamella Belinsky
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:6003289

Why should this player be punished?: This player failed to comply with RP, and completely denied being mugged in a private area, the video i will send didnt capture the full interaction and id be fine with sitting with staff helping me figure out the demo system to look at it better. The issue is also that players dont care at all about breaking the rules, this happens non stop and i only reported this one on the forums cause it was extremely frustrating to see how little players care as shown by him literally saying he doesnt care about the rules cause reguardless of how he breaks RP and doesnt allow a mugging because it will hurt his progression or some BS, idk how hard these are punished for but since people break the rules so much on here its hard for me personally to think its alot. one of the 2 evidence links is a demo. also i was told by an admin to put a random steam ID for both because his isnt working, i just put mine 2 times.

Evidence Link:

Iv added an image along that i forgot to add


  • download.png
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This guy literally tried to rob me while he was in a public setting? Infront of a monorail with a camera literally pointing at him? What I should of done here is allowed him mug me and make an AR and a refund request but I didn't all I can do is apologise for my actions. I didn't say that it would effect my progression either because it wouldn't of. I did also break 3.24 and should of stayed in character there isn't really no justification to this situation so as I said all I can do is apologise. (Isn't something I'd normally do but it was due to frustration, I feel as if the whole sitting next to a drug dealer and mugging everyone can feel a little excessive negativity) and should be looked at.)
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