Action request, micheal boyle

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Sneaky/Dave kearney
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Michael Boyle / sdac2
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:48656781
Why Should This Player Be Punished:

So basicly, a traffic officer called me to the parker tunnle because his vehicle broke down.
on the way there, micheal boyle in his mini crashed into me (i clearly overtake him on the left lane)
He then threatens to kill me, and 10 seconds later i get driven over. They abused /rc . His friends acused me of crashing into multiple times, So here you go. and be lucky i didnt get you guy's steamid. But thanks for the accusations anyway.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: starting from 3000(right from the point when i go RC)
Although it does appear @Sdac2 ran you down on purpose, as mentioned by others, you rammed into him and drove recklessly, mounting the pavement both at CH and near the entrance to the tunnel.
Personally I think sdac's reason to kill you was not good enough, unless it was an accident (Which it seems it was not). Just because you crashed into his already wrecked Mini, does not mean he can go ahead and run you over. A clear breakage of 2.5 in my opinion...
As mentioned by several people already you broke several traffic laws yourself thus the rules
That still doesnt change the fact that Michael Boyle killed you intentionally for accidently hitting the rear of his and as with everyone else he should be punished for it.
You stand in the middle of the road (Abandoning your car also in the middle of the road)

You see a car coming towards you... You still stand in the road. Granted you moved left a bit, but still in the road none the less.

If you'd have taken the time to view the situation properly. Micheal Boyle's car was damaged, indicating it would have hindered performance, possibly steering.

A good piece of advice:

  • Don't stand in the middle of the road, if you don't want to get run over
I wasn't the one driving the car, I also never told anyone to run you over.
You said he ran his mini in to you at the start, is going faster than him and hitting him in the back of his car called him ramming you? Anyways, ofc he didnt have any reason to run you over, but if he gets punished you have to accept a punishment for yourself too.

I see two sides too this situation.

1. You being the roadcrew clearly broke several traffic laws throughout the demo, You claim this down to your FPS but you constantly seemed to be speeding up? Why would you possibly be speeding knowing your FPS is terrible?
You have broken rule 4.1, You also have no evidence of who was actually driving the vehicle, the logs will show this and clear this up.

2. Whoever was driving had no reason to run you over, you can clearly see he purposely drove into you to kill you. Clearly breaking 2.5 and 3.4
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As far as I have seen in this video, @D3V had ran you over for ramming his vehicle which in my opinion broke 3.4 (Risking your life)
And broke rule 2.5 (Excessive negativity)
As he ran you over just for ramming his vehicle, where he risked his life for him to go to jail, and excessive negativity for a small thing like that, he killed you.

On the other side,
You broke law 9.10 (Reckless Driving) a lot of times. Please, next time try to follow the laws.

Turns out it was D3V driving the car and he will recieve a warning for 3.4 and 2.5.

I would like to just say that you need to watch how you're driving especially as a government employee as the video does show you driving rather carelessly just keep that in mind.
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