Action Request (Not sure as of right now @Mina would know as he made a report on me for 3.4)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Dr. Dräjj
Your Roleplay Name: Anton Gejming
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63129850

Player's Community Name: @Not sure as of right now @Mina would know as he made a report on me for 3.4
Player's Roleplay Name: No clue
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63129850 (Posted mine as I have no idea what his is)

Why should this player be punished?: Metagaming, I killed him and as soon as I left the property whoever was basing with him immediately shot at me. He would've had no idea what I looked like or that I killed his friend, for all he knew it could've been some random guy. But clearly he somehow knew.

Shadowplay is saved and will be uploaded tomorrow

Evidence Link:

you have 24 hours to provide the evidence for this report otherwise you'll have to remake it with the evidence.

you have 24 hours to provide the evidence for this report otherwise you'll have to remake it with the evidence.
Shows me that he owns that apartment (Only apartment that was being owned in regals at the time)

his buddy shoots at me

His name was Tray Anderson, unsure about the other guy
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@Jack Snow Any input you can provide seeing as the report is on you?

As for you @Dr. Dräjj Could you provide more insight of the situation rather than those clips? Like seeing the whole situation would suffice greatly in resolving this.
@Jack Snow Any input you can provide seeing as the report is on you?

As for you @Dr. Dräjj Could you provide more insight of the situation rather than those clips? Like seeing the whole situation would suffice greatly in resolving this.
The situation comes from my ban for 3.4. The dude GP'd me at regals 5. I killed him and then after I had spoken to the police I left the scene and his buddy shot at me. Also want to add that he tried to mug me at regals 5, which is a pretty public place.
The situation comes from my ban for 3.4. The dude GP'd me at regals 5. I killed him and then after I had spoken to the police I left the scene and his buddy shot at me. Also want to add that he tried to mug me at regals 5, which is a pretty public place.
Do you have the full recording?

Given the patchiness of the provided evidence I am unable to see the full situation play out; i don’t consider this enough evidence to start sending demo requests. This doesn’t act as solid proof of any sort of possible use of third party applications.

In regards to you allegedly being mugged in a public space, I’ll find this user and speak to them about it, seeing as they are new and this is easily done as demonstrated by our now almost daily occurring public mugging incidents.
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