Action Request On Blackdown

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Your Steam/In-game Name:*BwB_CRaZy*/Ray Augustine
His/Her Steam Name/Steam ID: Blackdown: STEAM_0:0:51410733
Jealous: STEAM_0:1:37632961
Dominican w/ a Big Mac: STEAM_0:1:44627859
DELTA: STEAM_0:0:98922994
Mclovin: STEAM_0:1:110270806
Why Should This Player Be Punished:Well i heard that benjamin got mugged.i searched the forest .When i founded them I gunpointed them all and told them "get on your knees now"1 person started running from gunpoint.i shot the one down,The other went left to me and killed me(this is legit But this happened cause of his friend that ran on gunpoint and not get on his knees)so let's say 3.4..This is at the first video..In the second video you will see Mclovin. Running into A police raid.And he waited behind him till he die's.When officer's died, And panic alert's activated and reinforcements was about to come. he ran upstairs from downstairs And that was the moment that he tried to kill me.i went right behind him and killled him as he was a threat and witness,So let's say 3.4 again.Now i had a 3rd video that i was going to regal's as i saw a fire going on.I parked my car in the parking slot.And when i foot the sidewalk. Near the City Hall across The PD. In public area and Under The camera" 5 people Came at me by gunpointing(i Got on my knees)The Said"Get down and drop your weapon."Tried to write to looc "In a public area really?" Well when i was at half setence. They shot me off.Unfortunally i don't have the demo.Cause forgot to write "Stop"Before i disconnect.i don't know why it didn't recorded it automatly.Well atleast i have Some Screenshot's That' Will tell that They Did that.
Evidence (Demo Required)First video:
Second Video :
Screenshot's :
Rules i broke: 1.1 I told them in ooc that they are "useless"(I Had My reason's)Well sorry to people That Saw Me 1.1.And i don't regret that said it and even i am sorry to these guy's..Cause theres around 10-15 people online and they think they can Walk to sidewalk of regal's garage with gun's And kill me Cause they were "kidnaping my friends or mugging them In Regal's. And i had no idea that thing was going on. i wouldn't mind if they killed me or tried to mug me or taking me hostage to a realistic area..

ΟNe theory: As you can see in the first video, That Person at storage that told me they mugged my friend.Well He told one more thing,He told that my friend Got Mugged over there. By over there maybe He meant in public area Again?......(That Does not count as evidence This is just A theory).And To find More information about this. Please To My Friend that got mugged. Upload the video/Demo. Thank you.
The user in the forest didn't break 3.4 what I can see, you didn't gunpoint him, he recognized it and pulled his Gun on you, thats just you not being observant enough
I dont see why my name is on the list. you should look through video before accussing ppl of breaking rules. i was none of those places. yes i was at parking lott. when we kidnapped him. i drove car threw him off and left.
Seems funny that you've directed this towards myself when I was the least involved. Regardless, I'll try my best to explain the situation from which points I was there. I was the one who told you that Benjamin was being mugged, "Over there." I directed you towards the forest. I have no idea about the first part where people ran from gun point as I was not involved in that situation. I was back at my house in Suburbs during that. During the second part where they ordered you to drop your weapon, we were all raiding your apartment in regals 4 (I don't know the guys who were raiding too well, but I decided to help them in a couple of places.) They came up to you and ordered you to drop your weapon because you posed a direct threat to them as you most likely were there to cause harm as they were raiding your organizations apartment. They actually ended up killing you because you drew your gun that they ordered you to drop. In my opinion this is unneeded and I feel I should be removed from this Action Request as I do not play a part in the section that is potentially valid(forest).
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Why would you go into a hostage sit your self unkowning their numbers, instead of calling the police when u had their location?
-3.4 Just a thought
The user in the forest didn't break 3.4 what I can see, you didn't gunpoint him, he recognized it and pulled his Gun on you, thats just you not being observant enough

He shouted "Everybody get on the ground" and as you can see in the video they are obviously not armed at the time he arrived. I believe this is 3.4 please explain how he wasn't aiming his gun at those people, it's obvious evidence in the first video he provided.
[DOUBLEPOST=1463423806,1463421376][/DOUBLEPOST]@John Daymon, Proof the players broke 3.4!VtYW0TpA!mjN-sAtKSQ3d-gT2IUnqO24-boiAdGRm2QZH9nWsRxM

I also want to say I don't believe @Blackdown was involved in this situation what so ever I think it must just be a misunderstanding.

After looking at the screenshots Crazy has provided I think these players were targeting the group and being very negative toward them. They shot myself after I complied with them and then they threw a molly at the building some of the group members were basing at.

All in all I beleive these players should be punished for:
2.5 Excessive Negativity
3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
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This is your answer Guy's
Time Was Around 4:59AM 2016-5-16
Well i recorded The demo with Playtv as The white voice activation didn't showed up
And sorry for being late to answer i fell asleep.

The user that walked away from your gunpoint in the first video will recieve a 4 day long ban, as he did break 3.4.

After discussing with another staff member we came to the agreement that the person in the second video (slums) did not break any rules.
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