Action Request on @Henry

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: HeadHunter -獵- / Liam Garcia
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Henry / Amelia Smith
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54209905
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Hello dear PerpHeads team, I would like to report to the player @Henry that he killed me in front of 2 officers for no reason and as Mayor it all started with the fact that I should get a ticket from an officer because I only have my fists outside and didn't hit anyone with it or did something else as you can see in the video If @Henry as Mayor often beats me where I'm handcuffed after he got my ticket I asked the officer why the ticket was so high even though I was only had my fists out and when I talked to him he hit me again and then thought "hmm I just hit him back 1 time after I hit him back 1 time even though he has hit me over 5 times all of them have hit me I ran up to the bridge and then I was stopped by the Secret Service, then @Henry and the other 2 officers came along and @Henry killed me for no reason at all i hope he gets his deserved punishment, thank you very much for listening.

LG. Liam
Evidence (Demo Required):
Well what can I say, I broke 2.5 and 4.1 by killing you as mayor. The thing that's so laughable though is the fact that you repost this when I apologised to you and we had a serious discussion about it with others. You're reposting this over me annoying you in character while you were a cop, if that's not considered salty I don't know what is. The situation happened really late at night (4 AM) I'm not saying that's an excuse but you lost nothing in this situation, you probably actually got more time because the cops were arresting you. The only reason you posted this AR on me is over personal issues, not that you actually care about the server rules, you just want me to get into trouble over it. You removed the previous action request and decided to repost it for some reason and fair enough if you don't remove it. This AR is extremely petty, the situation occurred 2 days ago and you're still angry over it, it just proves how personal this is and the fact that you hold grudges for long periods. This just shows your true colours and the reality of you as a person.

-- I do not intend to break any forum rules, disrespect anyone or cause problems. I'm just speaking the truth about this person. If you guys have an issue with it, inform me and I'll happily edit this. --
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Well what can I say, I broke 2.5 and 4.1 by killing you as mayor. The thing that's so laughable though is the fact that you repost this when I apologised to you and we had a serious discussion about it with others. You're reposting this over me annoying you in character while you were a cop, if that's not considered salty I don't know what is. The situation happened really late at night (4 AM) I'm not saying that's an excuse but you lost nothing in this situation, you probably actually got more time because the cops were arresting you. The only reason you posted this AR on me is over personal issues, not that you actually care about the server rules, you just want me to get into trouble over it. You removed the previous action request and decided to repost it for some reason and fair enough if you don't remove it. This just shows your true colours and the reality of you as a person.

-- I do not intend to break any forum rules, disrespect anyone or cause problems. I'm just speaking the truth about this person. If you guys have an issue with it, inform me and I'll happily edit this. --
I don't care about the whole shit when I'm joking / so that I break the rules I will also be reported and the reports will not be deleted if you break the rules you should calculate with the consequences I don't feel like your provocation ingame just so that it becomes toxic and then often insulting the staff members because of people like you who only provoke me the whole server / team members know me and know that I am very toxic and that only because of people like you who want to be funny at night and annoy me I don't feel like that shit anymore, I made this action request and before that I wanted to delete the AR anyway because I didn't want to report McGlinchy and the other officer so if you think I deleted the AR because of our discussion, that's not true I deleted it because I wanted to remove McGlinchy and the officer and after that I didn't feel like writing a completely new one w as only went about you and how you showed me earlier in-game that our deal means nothing to you, I have now done an AR You just don't understand that you should leave me alone.
I don't care about the whole shit when I'm joking / so that I break the rules I will also be reported and the reports will not be deleted if you break the rules you should calculate with the consequences I don't feel like your provocation ingame just so that it becomes toxic and then often insulting the staff members because of people like you who only provoke me the whole server / team members know me and know that I am very toxic and that only because of people like you who want to be funny at night and annoy me I don't feel like that shit anymore, I made this action request and before that I wanted to delete the AR anyway because I didn't want to report McGlinchy and the other officer so if you think I deleted the AR because of our discussion, that's not true I deleted it because I wanted to remove McGlinchy and the officer and after that I didn't feel like writing a completely new one w as only went about you and how you showed me earlier in-game that our deal means nothing to you, I have now done an AR You just don't understand that you should leave me alone.
I mean the fact that you take in character situations so seriously means a lot, you weren't the only cop I was messing around with. Everything that I did to you in character when you were a cop wasn't supposed to be taken seriously, it's part of the game and everything that we do in character isn't supposed to be taken so seriously. I didn't mean to annoy you and you never even said anything while I was doing so.
I don't take most things seriously ingame but when I meet people like you again or your org or for example Natalie who insult me and insult "Gaycia" of course I take that seriously because I emphasize that I take it seriously, I have you I said yesterday where you rammed me again that you should leave me alone or in front of McUwes where you behaved like the last piece of shit towards me
Henry and Liam had a talk for awhile, henry apologised to liam. Liam accepted henry's apology and removed the AR. When we were talking to liam about removing the AR, liam was asking Henry for money so that he could remove the AR.

When liam was asked what did he lose from him dying, he said his respect and time.
He also posted this AR while there was a Moderator in-game.
Henry and Liam had a talk for awhile, henry apologised to liam. Liam accepted henry's apology and removed the AR. When we were talking to liam about removing the AR, liam was asking Henry for money so that he could remove the AR.

When liam was asked what did he lose from him dying, he said his respect and time.
He also posted this AR while there was a Moderator in-game.
That's actually true, he did ask for money to remove it :D
I don't take most things seriously ingame but when I meet people like you again or your org or for example Natalie who insult me and insult "Gaycia" of course I take that seriously because I emphasize that I take it seriously, I have you I said yesterday where you rammed me again that you should leave me alone or in front of McUwes where you behaved like the last piece of shit towards me
My friends talk shit about me all the time and troll me, do I care? Fuck no cuz that's part of life.
I don't take most things seriously ingame but when I meet people like you again or your org or for example Natalie who insult me and insult "Gaycia" of course I take that seriously because I emphasize that I take it seriously, I have you I said yesterday where you rammed me again that you should leave me alone or in front of McUwes where you behaved like the last piece of shit towards me
@Marcus Hudson would know about that, we always talk shit about each other and take the piss but we're still friends :)
I admit that I asked how much money he would give me because I wanted to see how much he writes then he wrote 20k and after that I wrote myself I wouldn't even remove it for 500k
I admit that I asked how much money he would give me because I wanted to see how much he writes then he wrote 20k and after that I wrote myself I wouldn't even remove it for 500k
Congratulations, you've just admitted to blackmailing me!
Congratulations, you've just admitted to blackmailing me!
What does that have to do with extortion if I just wanted to know how much you would pay I would not have done it as I wrote because you just deserve a ban
Congratulations, you've just admitted to blackmailing me!
Alone that you were already banned for cheating and several people took the fun and even tried over 10 times to bypass the ban, I just think that you should earn such a ban yourself, point I will not write back here because I am on a moderator wait
What does that have to do with extortion if I just wanted to know how much you would pay I would not have done it as I wrote because you just deserve a ban
Pfft, I deserve a ban. Do you really think that it's your decision? Are you trying to backseat moderate here??
Alone that you were already banned for cheating and several people took the fun and even tried over 10 times to bypass the ban, I just think that you should earn such a ban yourself, point I will not write back here because I am on a moderator wait
I mean the fact that you got perm banned for toxicity is hilarious.
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