Action Request on John Dempsey by Mr Zan.

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Reaction score

Your Steam/In-game Name:

Mr Zan - Zack Robberts

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Chickenrappa (found in the video) - John Dempsey

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
During a situation at the bazaar, Officer Joey (@ShadowJoey) was conducting an arrest on Johnathan Curtis for breaking law 1.2 which would have resulted in a $200. He was also conducting an arrest on Carlos Rios for having an outstanding ticket which would have resulted in a maximum of 2 years in prison:

As we were transporting the two criminals, John Dempsey pulled a gun on me for an invalid reason in the public area where another Officer was present. Carlos Rios then shouted "shoot him" at John Dempsey and he done so, ending my life.

Overall, I see this as a breakage of multiple rules, many of which I am not sure of (correct me):



Performing these actions to save a man from a small amount of jail time is putting his life at risk as John Dempsey would have received 10 years in prison for these actions. He escalated the situation and made it last for well over 15 minutes.

NOTE: I was a Traffic Officer during this- I was unarmed the entire time. Nothing prior to this situation happened besides the arrest of these two individuals. The communication between John Dempsey and Carlos Rios is the reason I believe that John Dempsey took these actions to avoid his friend receiving a very small jail sentence which resulted in an even greater consequence in the end.

Evidence (Demo Required):
(A demo will be uploaded at a later date if necessary).


N/A for now, I will upload later if necessary.
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+support. Neither men had reason to risk a murder sentence, unless they can prove that they had lots of drugs on them or expensive illegal stuff.
Yes, I believe that he shot you for an invalid reason, Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut

You heard his gun click, so why did you not run away?
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