Action Request on Kate Upson

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Reaction score
Faroe Islands
Your Steam/In-game Name: Yamashita Shigetaka / GrassKlipper

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Kate Upson / VanishingMonkey

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41786132

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
She should be punished as she lied about me punching her which I did not, and she broke 4.11 as she abused her job. I hit the limo a few times, she then got out of the car, had her gun out in public, telling me that I am posing a threat towards the mayors and her life, which I do not see how I did, however, when we entered the City Hall, I went in the elevator and went upstairs, she then still had her gun out, I ran and hid. After she came up, I took the elevator down, she then took the elevator down also, and I started pushing her, she told me to stop which I did not. She then started to point her guns at me saying I am putting hers and the mayors life in danger when the mayor were not even there. Pushing someone is a ticket. She also lied in the looc when officer Efau Makhal asked her if I punched her, and she said yes. I did not even punch her, therefor I recieved a 1000$ ticket, which was given falsely in my opinion. I also did not pose any threat to the mayor or her. I am admiting that I broke rule 2.1, but however I did it to try not recieve the 1000$ false ticket. I still believe she should be punished as I dont see I did anything wrong in thise case.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: Dont know

You shouldn't have been harrasing and punching the mayor, I'm sure that if you left the mayor alone this wouldn't have happened. Also, you're admitting to breaking rules and you shouldn't be complaining over a $1,000 ticket when you're the one who is creating the problems.
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