Action Request on Weazel - 3.4

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Cainey - Harry Axton

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Weazel - Jonny Danger

His/Her SteamID: Not sure - @Weazel can you please provide me with it thanks!

Why Should This Player Be Punished: User broke 3.4 by using his org chat to panic while under gun point. He notified his fellow org members that he was being mugged by 2 individuals , Tyrone Davies and Harry Axton , making me and @Teemo lose our weapons , a Double Barrel shotgun and a The Sig pistol (I dont know the actual name) Please Note : all the weapons were full and for weazels sake , I did not shoot you , it was Bobbie ross , you can see .

Evidence (Demo Required): Image of Jonny Danger pressing his panic button and typing in org chat while under gun point. He also said wait , to type in org chat and then he droped his phone.

Tick: Beginning to the end of the video , along with the image!
Oke, first of all what is wrong with that video? because this happend to me i know what happend. and i paniced in the grass. since this grass is so long i think i had a good chance, and i worked, untill you probebly killed me after a succesfull mug
I have the updated video here , but it still has some random delay but it is better than the other one. Sorry , but here @Niko

I also , forgot to stop recording so the rest of the video after the demo has ended , is just me writing the AR...
[DOUBLEPOST=1477697751,1477489669][/DOUBLEPOST]You don't really need to see the AR in my point of view but I understand why some staff want it. In the begining of the video when you havent even played it. It shows you that I'm gun pointing Jonny and then there is an image showing what he said in org chat.
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