Action Request (squirtgangbanger)

Reaction score
Your Steam Name: checkraisefold
Your Roleplay Name: Checkers Shafer
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68520714

Player's Steam Name: squirtgangbanger
Player's Roleplay Name: Dusty Aleck
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:140612752

Why should this player be punished?: This dude raided my property at ~10:10 PM my time (6:10 AM BST). You can verify this either with a demo (request in comments) or by checking the logs to see that I killed him at around that time literally inside my property. His buds got killed by counter raiders so he was solo. I did leave some point after this however rejoined about 2 minutes later because internet went out briefly, but bought the same exact property and he raided the exact same property with me being the exact same person he had raided before.

As you can see at exactly 10;51 PM in my clip my time (6:51 AM BST) the same guy raids again and kills me, making me lose an AK-101. This is more than once within 60 minutes.

Evidence Link:

The logs clearly demonstrate that @Dusty raided the same property twice within a 60 minute period with the first attempt at 6:12AM and the second attempting taking place at 6:51AM where he was killed by @checkraisefold as demonstrated in the video evidence attached to this action request.

@Dusty will receive a 1-day ban for Rule 5.3 Raiding