Action Request (STAN, mortis, [401st] Servius)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Niko
Your Roleplay Name: Dontrall Caldwell
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:16668186

Player's Steam Name: STAN, mortis, [401st] Servius
Player's Roleplay Name: Stan Stanly, Crash Adams, Servius Aquillius
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:78906663, STEAM_0:0:19611559, STEAM_0:1:104821740

Why should this player be punished?: All players repeatedly broke rule 4.1 of Following the Law, as well as a general misuse of the powers of their respective jobs (namely the Secret Service)
Of the laws broken, I believe they broke law 4.3 Exemption From Law, as they misused their emergency lights to drive without care, without there being any sort of emergency.
I also believe they broke law 5.2 of attempting to bribe a Roadcrew Worker $35k to impound a legally parked vehicle
Most importantly, they broke law 6.1 Provision of False Information as they, on numerous occasions while being questioned by police, lied about nearly every aspect of the situation(s) that had unfolded. This is especially unacceptable due to their statements as Government Officials being enough evidence to convict someone of a crime.

The situation starts off with me arriving at the Casino and seeing two SUVs with their emergency lights active, then leaving the area. I decide to leave the Casino area as well, and approach the two SUVs from behind. They seemingly crash while trying to cross the highway bridge, and I decide to pass them, which, as they backed up to turn the SUV back around, resulted in me hitting their SUV at roughly ~30 MPH.
I proceed to type "bruh" into the text chat, which is quickly followed by the other SUV ramming into the back of me, all while everyone else is trying to tell me to "back the fuck up right now," which is clearly impossible after being blocked in by the other SUV. I jump out and ask what the fuck he's doing, and tell him to back up so that I can back up, which he responds to by pulling out his SS firearm while telling me that he won't do it unless I get in my car first. Eventually he budges and gets back in his SUV, moves it, and I can then leave them alone again. I pass them, and then I don't see them again until much later.
Later on, I am passing by the Suburbs Houses, and I see Roadcrew being parked outside Suburbs House 1. I decide to circle around and find somewhere to park, then walk up to the RC and ask him to fix my car for $500 - while he is talking to the Secret Service living with the mayor in Suburbs House 1. They pay the RC for fixing their cars, and then proceed to tell him that if he "impounds that Lamborghini," the mayor will pay him 35k - referring of course to my Lamborghini, as I was pretty much the only person in a Lamborghini at the time.
I immediately call 911 and inform them of this attempted bribe, and inform them of my current location. Both SS proceed to pull out firearms and gunpoint me to leave the area, despite being able to clearly see I am on the phone with the police. Having shown no hostility so far, the gunpoint was grossly unnecessary, which they also agreed to when police were talking with them.

During the talk with police, the Secret Service and the mayor provide false statements at numerous occasions, including saying that I had been following them, circling the house, harassing them, continuously ramming their vehicle, threatening to call cops on them etc. They also proceeded to give false statements regarding what they had done, denying ever promising the RC any money to impound my vehicle, as well as that they hadn't rammed into the back of my vehicle and didn't allow me to leave the initial situation.

I have included a lengthy (15 minute) video of the situation from start to end in order to disprove any and all of the false statements provided by the SS and the mayor.

Evidence Link:
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@soapburn Why was a whole lot of you leaving the casino with your ELS on despite there being no clear threat to the mayor?

In the 11:43 mark of the provided evidence, whilst talking to the cops, why did you skip the part about your colleague talking to the roadcrew and telling them the mayor is offering 35000$ for the Lamborghini to be impounded although you've heard it?

Provide a reasonable answer to these inquiries above & provide your input on the situation

I will make an effort to reach out to the other players via other platforms as they don't have forum accounts, if it fails, I will go ahead and deliver according verdict

The mayor will receive a warning & a week's blacklist which they'll actively serve five days for making false statements next to the police acting against rule 4.1 and not doing their job to their best ability.

@soapburn will receive a warning as well as a week's blacklist for their actions, making statements with omission, deliberately failing to provide information of the fact that the mayor was offering 35000$ for the Lamborghini to be impounded to the police officers, working with their colleagues to ace the lie.

Secret Service Servius Aquilius will receive a warning and three days of blacklisting from the Secret Service for contributing to shady deals along with the Mayor, stating to the roadcrew that the Mayor will be paying a fee for the Lamborghini to be impounded. Zero effort to display any sort of integrity against the cops when they are on the scene as well.

If the players who are involved in this situation decide to read this sometime here's a small note:

Don't act like you're the mob when taking part in government roles. Play it properly or don't play at all. Your next punishment will be way harsher, for your info
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