Action Request (STEAM_0:0:462820583)

Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Honkerst
Your Roleplay Name: Baker For
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:793769455

Player's Steam Name: STEAM_0:0:462820583
Player's Roleplay Name: jake briskly
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:462820583

Why should this player be punished?: so what happened was dean shot me in bazar for no reason so i chased him down to make a citizen arrest but someone took the gun so i failed to do so i was very mad at this as u will be able to see in the clip. i start flipping out then i threatened deans life the guy who shot me Jake thought i threatened him but i said straight to his face in the clip that i was not threating him i was threating dean i do not think its then ok 30 mins later to shot me in the head in the middle of bazar because of it im not very happy about it at all tbh he also disconnected after it in my opinion trying to aviod a ban super was the one who told me to make this action request

i have linked the clip where the guy has killed me and the clip of us talking and me telling him i did not threaten him is in the discord under media showcase under the name Honkerst

Evidence Link:

@Jake_ Why did you kill Baker For? In the clip initially provided in the report yesterday (You can view it here which will take you to #media-showcase on the PERPHeads Discord), it shows him making a threat towards Dean Shackell which you misinterpreted as making a threat towards you and confronted him about it, to which he then clarified it was towards Dean but you still carried out killing him anyway.

Additionally, why did you fail to wait 10 minutes after committing a crime before disconnecting from the server?
When he threatened deans life you can see in the clip that he looked at me as well as dean and from my point of view it looked as if he was threating my life. Previous to the clip him and his mates were getting very angry at me and calling me all sorts of names so from my perspective it looked like the threat was at me which bojing and callum both thought as well. I left the server to play a different game, i was revived at bazaar after being killed by someone and there was cops on scene. Cops did not try and arrest me and were running around for a good 5 minutes ignoring I was even there. By the time I had left the server the cops had left the scene and I was gone
When he threatened deans life you can see in the clip that he looked at me as well as dean and from my point of view it looked as if he was threating my life.
What about at 0:35 in the video on #media-showcase where he specifically tells you "I didn't threaten your life, I threatened the guy (Dean) that shot me"? My impression from the clip is that you disregarded that (As you said "Yes you did, you said I'm dead") and stuck with the narrative that the threat was solely directed at you.
Previous to the clip him and his mates were getting very angry at me and calling me all sorts of names so from my perspective it looked like the threat was at me which bojing and callum both thought as well
@Honkerst can you comment on this?
I left the server to play a different game, i was revived at bazaar after being killed by someone and there was cops on scene. Cops did not try and arrest me and were running around for a good 5 minutes ignoring I was even there. By the time I had left the server the cops had left the scene and I was gone
Regardless of whether the cops were aware or not of your actions, under Rule 3.20 you have to wait at least 10 minutes. As stated by 3.20: the situation is only considered resolved if you were arrested/caught for the crime.
What about at 0:35 in the video on #media-showcase where he specifically tells you "I didn't threaten your life, I threatened the guy (Dean) that shot me"? My impression from the clip is that you disregarded that (As you said "Yes you did, you said I'm dead") and stuck with the narrative that the threat was solely directed at you.
I disregarded that as from what I said previously him and his mates were telling me all sorts of stuff before the clip starts. You can see a little bit of it in local chat in the clip he provided
Regardless of whether the cops were aware or not of your actions, under Rule 3.20 you have to wait at least 10 minutes. As stated by 3.20: the situation is only considered resolved if you were arrested/caught for the crime.
I left 8 minutes after I committed a crime. If I had left instantly I would understand the issue however from what I remember I was at suburbs storage when I disconnected from the server after I had spoken with cops in bazaar. I understand that I should've waited 10 minutes but I left literally 2 minutes quicker than I should have. In no way cops were looking for me and were even thinking about the crimes I committed beforehand at bazaar
I disregarded that as from what I said previously him and his mates were telling me all sorts of stuff before the clip starts. You can see a little bit of it in local chat in the clip he provided

I left 8 minutes after I committed a crime. If I had left instantly I would understand the issue however from what I remember I was at suburbs storage when I disconnected from the server after I had spoken with cops in bazaar. I understand that I should've waited 10 minutes but I left literally 2 minutes quicker than I should have. In no way cops were looking for me and were even thinking about the crimes I committed beforehand at bazaar
Thank you for your response. I will wait for @Honkerst to comment on what I have requested from him above before I make a decision
I was very angry at Jake because he was coming in to the situation that had nothing to do with him the kid shot me for NO reason and I was just trying to make a citizens arrest then Jake comes in and stops that and starts telling the cops that we have guns and basically snitching on me all I remember saying to him was to fuck off you dickhead basically trying to get him to go away. I still wonder why he was there in the first place making the situation worst then it could’ve of been for me. My shooter did get away because of Jake which also made me very sad and pissed off still in the clip I clearly tell him that I was directed at my shorter dean also the cop even agreed with me and said no it was at the shorter so if the cop was able to understand who i was threatening at the time I don’t understand why he can’t
I was very angry at Jake because he was coming in to the situation that had nothing to do with him the kid shot me for NO reason and I was just trying to make a citizens arrest then Jake comes in and stops that and starts telling the cops that we have guns and basically snitching on me all I remember saying to him was to fuck off you dickhead basically trying to get him to go away. I still wonder why he was there in the first place making the situation worst then it could’ve of been for me. My shooter did get away because of Jake which also made me very sad and pissed off still in the clip I clearly tell him that I was directed at my shorter dean also the cop even agreed with me and said no it was at the shorter so if the cop was able to understand who i was threatening at the time I don’t understand why he can’t
I was very angry at Jake because he was coming in to the situation that had nothing to do with him the kid shot me for NO reason and I was just trying to make a citizens arrest then Jake comes in and stops that and starts telling the cops that we have guns and basically snitching on me all I remember saying to him was to fuck off you dickhead basically trying to get him to go away. I still wonder why he was there in the first place making the situation worst then it could’ve of been for me. My shooter did get away because of Jake which also made me very sad and pissed off still in the clip I clearly tell him that I was directed at my shorter dean also the cop even agreed with me and said no it was at the shorter so if the cop was able to understand who i was threatening at the time I don’t understand why he can’t
The shooter did not get away because of me. The officer investigated the whole situation and came to a conclusion that there was not enough evidence to charge him. The proclaimed shooter had no gun on him so therefore there was no evidence to charge him with. I was in the situation as I had just parked up in the parking of casino and decided to see what was going on. If anything I was reporting a crime that you all had weapons and held this poor child at gun point in public, infront of NPC civilians that were in the jennifers shop.
So you where just pulling up into casino and saw people with there guns out telling someone to put there hands up and u decide to investigate the situation then defend the child idgaf if it’s a child or not in my opinion they shouldn’t be playing this game in the first place but for some reason they can and then u defend the child even tho u didn’t see what happend in the first place maybe if u didn’t fucking intervene in the first place none of this whould be going on why tf whould i threaten you all u where doing was bieng anoying I had no reason to threaten you but I think u saw a opportunity to make up some bullshit that I thought I was threatening you just so u could kill me even tho I have hard evidence that I told you to your face that I wasn’t @Super_
Look mate from my perspective after you calling me a cunt and getting very angry at me it seemed as in the threat was directed at me. After watching the clip I can see it wasn't directed at me and it was directed at the new player and I apologise because in the moment I didn't hear this. There is no need to get angry over the situation on here it was miscommunication and something small. I came over just to have a look and at no point I was under threat as you were making a 'citizens arrest'. At no point I was told to leave and there was no shots fired from my perspective. Why would i waste my time in killing someone I don't even know for the fun of it? I have better things to do than go out my way to take 5 minutes of your time. Please stop making up arguments like 'I left the server to avoid a ban' which is a complete lie. You are trying to find any way to get me banned because you are mad that I killed you and took one of your guns. If you are that broke and that mad over it I'll even return your gun to you in game x
Look mate from my perspective after you calling me a cunt and getting very angry at me it seemed as in the threat was directed at me. After watching the clip I can see it wasn't directed at me and it was directed at the new player and I apologise because in the moment I didn't hear this. There is no need to get angry over the situation on here it was miscommunication and something small. I came over just to have a look and at no point I was under threat as you were making a 'citizens arrest'. At no point I was told to leave and there was no shots fired from my perspective. Why would i waste my time in killing someone I don't even know for the fun of it? I have better things to do than go out my way to take 5 minutes of your time. Please stop making up arguments like 'I left the server to avoid a ban' which is a complete lie. You are trying to find any way to get me banned because you are mad that I killed you and took one of your guns. If you are that broke and that mad over it I'll even return your gun to you in game x
I whould let this all go because I’m not that mad about it anymore but I was pissed and the reason why I was so pissed at you was because it had nothing to do with u and u made as the situation 10x worse for me also I told you to fuck off many times idk how that does get through ur thick skull that you could stay and I was very mad that u killed me because I was doing something important when u killed me I didn’t even realise I had a gun on me till you just mentioned it. Clearly super dosent give a much of a fuck about it. I STILL belive that u killed me just because u thought u can. And why whould I shot my gun at any point in that situation I coudnt rlly done much more then telling you to fuck off otherwise u whouldve had a exsue to kill me but ig me and super will understand that ur just rlly thick and didn’t realise i was threatening you its ok have fun with the special ed classes x
I whould let this all go because I’m not that mad about it anymore but I was pissed and the reason why I was so pissed at you was because it had nothing to do with u and u made as the situation 10x worse for me also I told you to fuck off many times idk how that does get through ur thick skull that you could stay and I was very mad that u killed me because I was doing something important when u killed me I didn’t even realise I had a gun on me till you just mentioned it. Clearly super dosent give a much of a fuck about it. I STILL belive that u killed me just because u thought u can. And why whould I shot my gun at any point in that situation I coudnt rlly done much more then telling you to fuck off otherwise u whouldve had a exsue to kill me but ig me and super will understand that ur just rlly thick and didn’t realise i was threatening you its ok have fun with the special ed classes x
No need to be a cunt about it saying have fun in special education classes not a joke to be making just suck it up act your age and get on with it your life doesn’t revolve around perp don’t take it to deep it’s a server it’s not the end of the world cause you couldn’t do something important on a game, jakes tried to resolve the issue with you by giving you your gun that you lost but your being a dick about it just take your gun and let the admins deal with it and if they think a rule was broke they will deal with it don’t be taking the piss out of people in special education classes
I whould let this all go because I’m not that mad about it anymore but I was pissed and the reason why I was so pissed at you was because it had nothing to do with u and u made as the situation 10x worse for me also I told you to fuck off many times idk how that does get through ur thick skull that you could stay and I was very mad that u killed me because I was doing something important when u killed me I didn’t even realise I had a gun on me till you just mentioned it. Clearly super dosent give a much of a fuck about it. I STILL belive that u killed me just because u thought u can. And why whould I shot my gun at any point in that situation I coudnt rlly done much more then telling you to fuck off otherwise u whouldve had a exsue to kill me but ig me and super will understand that ur just rlly thick and didn’t realise i was threatening you its ok have fun with the special ed classes x
(Involved as im in org) the guy above me is right (Liamwharvey).

You taking the piss outta someone for making a mistake that has been stated shows how much of a petty prick you are, as for me just too shed a little light into the matter for supers benefit from my perspective, we had multiple org members there that witnessed it, it was communicated that there was a situation that casino so we went there too check if everything ok, you where popping off at people for no reason, what you could have done instead of running your mouth like the mouth breather that you are you could have communicated with us tell us you did not mean it too us that would have not escalated the matter but the fact that you did not clarify you just started running your gob tells a whole story.

As for our side Jake has said sorry he's offered your gun back and your saying he belongs in a special ed class you do know this is still monitor like rules on the game so what you just did (as what i have just done) is 1.1 which can be subjects too warnings and bans however I will leave my 2 cents hear and leave this in the capable hands of super
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So it appears this Action Request has gotten out of hand before I have been able to respond to it. So, let's wrap it up now:
@Jake_ has broken 2.5 due to misinterpreting the threat @Honkerst made towards Dean and has acknowledged his fault, to where he's even offered to return the firearm as a token of good faith. As such, only a warning will be issued. No punishment for 3.20 will be issued as I do not feel it is necessary, just please ensure you are waiting the full 10 minutes before disconnecting in the future.

That was going to be the end of the my response. However, @Honkerst I am not at all pleased with the way you've responded to Jake in this thread and have acted in a rather disrespectful and unsavoury manner with the insults you have thrown out which are completely unacceptable. As such, you will also be receiving a forum warning for Rule 1.1. If this behaviour continues, either on the forums or in-game, I will not hesitate to escalate it to a server ban if I find 1.1 is broken again.