Action Request (Th3rror!st)

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oh sorry on my screen after he fired to my friend he stops aiming I take full resposility here didnt meant to break a gunpoint law
I tried it multiple times and while recording it crash the game or whole pc. while trying to record demo with OBS the video is terrible quality and has almost no framerates

The user in-question has failed to provide any evidence to support their statement:
oh sorry on my screen after he fired to my friend he stops aiming
@Th3rrorist - This is a pretty clear instance of breaking gunpoint. Your friend was shot dead, and in the footage he continued to aim at you. You instead crouched and attempted to pull out a weapon which subsequently resulted in your death.
As such your existing ban will be extended by a further day, totalling 4 days, for further 3.4 breakage.

Reviewed with @Pugga
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