Action Request (Th3rrorist)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: DemonZ
Your Roleplay Name: Cameron Bleedin (i think)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:528275255

Player's Community Name: @Th3rrorist
Player's Roleplay Name: Jonnathan Smith
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:148377890

Why should this player be punished?: Okay so basically im gonna start from his action request, as i started watching his all clips, action requests, all over em, basically from the newwest one, made for lenn, i found out that he TRIED to mug someone in public, as well MURDERED him cuz he didnt consent to. And im gonna show u the clip, sadly its jonnathans smiths, so its his POV

Evidence Link:
basically the vid is jonnathans pov, u can see on the end that he tried to mug someone in public, and as he didnt consent to and told him that its open public space he cant do it, he shot him over that.

5.1 Mugging​

Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period; nor can they mug the same player twice, within any 60 minute period. Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic. Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public. Players may not be forced to move out of public view under gunpoint prior to the mugging.
Can U please not post so many replies but just edit your thread and include the information there? That way its easier to deal with for staff.
So you are that mad on me becouse I made ar on you witch got you banned that you decide to make ar on me for other person that have forum account without even asking him if he want to report my actions? Jesus christ man

The clip is from my report on lenn ( ) where he scammed me for no reson for 14k and dont followed a gp I did not try to mug him I tried to kidnapp him so your report isnt valid such as you did not took part of it

If you dislike me so much then avoid me rather than express your toxic and negative behaviour and stop trying to do shit to me becouse I made AR on you
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he scammed u with a reason, with a way to get some quick free money, as well yes u did try to mug him, of his new fresh 14k he got off u, so a bsically u broke rules.
he scammed u with a reason, with a way to get some quick free money, as well yes u did try to mug him, of his new fresh 14k he got off u, so a bsically u broke rules.
Scamming is illegal ty
In clip there is non complience on gp and breaking out of character (lenn) you did not include first clip where he closed me inside his shop to wait for his "buddies" For 5 minutes and even tho I asked for storage or to Open the door and money back becouse I knew its sketchy he did not do that he just took the money to atm and thought he s clear
I did not mugged him couse I did not even ziptied him
I killed him and I had a reson to

stop harrasing me becouse I made ar on you
I am sick of you, when I made ar and informed you about that you decide to rdm me
Then on your "ban apology" When ar got accepted you demanded money back that you gave me in free will
Ealier today you put your nose in ar that you were not involved in
And now you are trying to turn tables to get me banned for something I did not break
i believe what he done is right as he got scammed so he can force withdraw it or make him drop it i believe
Thank you
Altho he is doing ar on me as revenge becouse I made ar on him (ealier today killed me when he saw me made demand to give him money back as like it was a bribe to not ar him (wich is not true becouse he gave it in free will) and now this ar without reson and out of contest)
he scammed u with a reason, with a way to get some quick free money, as well yes u did try to mug him, of his new fresh 14k he got off u, so a bsically u broke rules.
Thats not a reson
The reson would be if I kidnapped a org member and let him free or him or raid him
That would be a valid reson

Reson "to get a Quick cash" Is not valid as he accepted to sell me a gun
Thank you and please dont make Ar when you didn't took action in this becouse not only its stupid (imo) but also its just trashing forums as you didn't took action didn't knew what happened before
You didn't knew the reson that the person done that so you can't speak for that person
And like I said stop making stuff up just to get revenge on me becouse I reported for your action
i believe he could not give you the money as he had spent 60k+ at my shop on guns, so i don't think he had the money
i believe he could not give you the money as he had spent 60k+ at my shop on guns, so i don't think he had the money
If the ar (mine on lenn not this crap lol) will be accepted it could be that he have to give money back or I will do RR
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If the ar (mine on lenn not this crap lol) will be accepted it could be that he have to give money back or I will do RR
idk what u mean by ''crap'' most of ur sentences dont make sense etc ''
Thats not a reson
The reson would be if I kidnapped a org member and let him free or him or raid him
That would be a valid reson" cannot understand what u meant by this, i only think that u meant: if i kidnapped a org member i can raid him and then let him free" but idk if thats what u meant.
Thank you
Altho he is doing ar on me as revenge becouse I made ar on him (ealier today killed me when he saw me made demand to give him money back as like it was a bribe to not ar him (wich is not true becouse he gave it in free will) and now this ar without reson and out of contest)
about the part with a bribe, i told u to give me the money back as u get it back, cuz u said u need some and u have none. i gave u 40k, u said thanks, and u should pretty much give it back to me. so idk where the fuck u took word bribe from.

The guy was evidently trying to scam him, I see no issue with him trying to get his money back. This was not a mugging, simply just trying to get his money back.
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