Action Request (TheBluntRoller25 and FreshFriedLightning)

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United Kingdom
Your Steam Name: Brandify
Your Roleplay Name: Brandon Edwards
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:45789931

Player's Steam Name: TheBluntRoller25 and FreshFriedLightning
Player's Roleplay Name: James Schrader and Hank Donovan
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:700558081

Why should this player be punished?: So FreshFriedLightning is the one who threw a molotov at my car for no apparent reason, this then lead to me shooting at their vehicle then TheBluntRoller25 got out of their car and shot at me and killed me.

Evidence Link:
You must understand he initiated combat, my friend finished it. The molotov was retribution for him sending 2 experienced players to raid our house, him killing my friend ,but not me at the bazzare shops, and as well as all that he was also responsible for the mugging that happened, which made me and my friend lose our guns.
The molotov was retribution for him sending 2 experienced players to raid our house
What reason do you believe that he orchestrated a raid on your property?

him killing my friend ,but not me at the bazzare shops, and as well as all that he was also responsible for the mugging that happened
Who is your friend that he killed, and how was he responsible for the mugging that happened?
I saw and heard him speaking to the same people who raided and saying something about projex 4.I then later say him speaking at the pub with the same people who mugged us at our owned property.And my friend that he killed at the bazzaar was james schrader.
I'm more than happy to provide my demos through the whole time period I was at the docks and previous encounters, I can provide the whole day if needed, I never asked someone to raid a property, I never even asked someone to mug you, how it all started you tried raiding my property then I killed you both, you both came back (breaking NLR) and threw a molotov at my shop, because you was doing it a-lot at the time randomly throwing molotovs @Exnem can vouch as he was there as a fire fighter.

For some reason you decided to target my black van which you had no idea it was mine or even who it was, you decided to randomly blow up a vehicle for some reason, anyways, if needed I can provide any demo's needed and I feel like you guys should do the same :)
I have no problem with what happened, if you have a problem with it, you provide demos, plus its your report not mine.:)
I was the firefighter responding to all the arson calls you created @freshfriedlightning. At one point you tried to lure me into going upstairs to a projex fire, to fight the fire when I knew you've been doing it, and have been running around armed with a revolver, which i saw at regals earlier 10-15 minutes prior to the place going up in flames. I was not about to go in, just for you to shoot me in the back so I couldn't fight the fire.

Warg (who somehow doesn't have a forum profile) lost a good amount of props because of it, and @mimeyy almost lost his entire shop later that night to your fire, if I wasn't there to extinguish it, that is.
It's obvious you've been minging, logs alone can prove this.

You also threw a molotov into slums 4, burning a new player's props. They left the server around 10 minutes later no doubt because of this.



Brandify's van was torched for no reason. And although you're in the right to defend yourself against Brandify taking revenge on you, doesn't mean it's justified based on your prior actions.
Your Steam Name: Brandify
Your Roleplay Name: Brandon Edwards
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:45789931

Player's Steam Name: TheBluntRoller25 and FreshFriedLightning
Player's Roleplay Name: James Schrader and Hank Donovan
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:700558081

Why should this player be punished?: So FreshFriedLightning is the one who threw a molotov at my car for no apparent reason, this then lead to me shooting at their vehicle then TheBluntRoller25 got out of their car and shot at me and killed me.

Evidence Link:

I was the firefighter responding to all the arson calls you created @freshfriedlightning. At one point you tried to lure me into going upstairs to a projex fire, to fight the fire when I knew you've been doing it, and have been running around armed with a revolver, which i saw at regals earlier 10-15 minutes prior to the place going up in flames. I was not about to go in, just for you to shoot me in the back so I couldn't fight the fire.

Warg (who somehow doesn't have a forum profile) lost a good amount of props because of it, and @mimeyy almost lost his entire shop later that night to your fire, if I wasn't there to extinguish it, that is.
It's obvious you've been minging, logs alone can prove this.

You also threw a molotov into slums 4, burning a new player's props. They left the server around 10 minutes later no doubt because of this.



Brandify's van was torched for no reason. And although you're in the right to defend yourself against Brandify taking revenge on you, doesn't mean it's justified based on your prior actions.
These were my props that they burnt up, I was helping a new player out. In the process I also lost the 1 per player plant. Anyhow thanks for making this AR so I didn't have to myself.
@Exnem All you did was put out the fires.You dont know why the fires were set in the first place,so if you dont mind keeping your 2 cents out that would be great.
@Exnem All you did was put out the fires.You dont know why the fires were set in the first place,so if you dont mind keeping your 2 cents out that would be great.
There was never any reason for you to throw any of these molotovs, and you've failed to mention why anyway. As I was involved, I will post as many cents as I please.
None of the molotovs were proportionate to any items you may have lost. You've easily caused 100k worth of damages and needlessly blown up several cars.
I gave reason,can you read?All you were was fireman.You really were not even envolved,period.All you did was put out fires,without even witnessing why the fires were started in the first place.I suggest you butt out and stop spewing nonsense.
All you were was fireman.You really were not even envolved,period.All you did was put out fires
As involved in this as anyone can be. If Brandify didn't make the report, I would have. I was there, I interacted with you.

without even witnessing why the fires were started in the first place.I suggest you butt out and stop spewing nonsense.
I don't need to know why the fires were started to know that running around at 7 in the morning starting 6+ fires, and blowing up 3+ cars is without a doubt as mingy as you can get. There were multiple people's props in the above linked images that you ended up burning, not just your target. Those are not acceptable casualties. You are responsible for the loss of items of people who weren't at all involved in the situation you mentioned.

Additionally, you and your friend disconnected less than 10 minutes after murdering Brandify. @SamSN.

I was there, I provided additional information relevant to the report whilst being directly involved through dealing with the before, during and aftermath, end of.
Read forum rule 2.5 if you need further clarification.
@freshfriedlightning Explain you throwing 12 molotovs in the span of 5 hours on the 7th. Please upload the following demos;

perpheads_demo_2022-7-6 18-58-20
perpheads_demo_2022-7-6 19-39-48
perpheads_demo_2022-7-6 19-45-32
perpheads_demo_2022-7-6 21-48-02
perpheads_demo_2022-7-6 22-43-42
perpheads_demo_2022-7-6 23-15-15
perpheads_demo_2022-7-7 00-03-55

Upload all of these within the next 24 hours.

Especially for the bits where you had molotoved specific apartments (Regals, Projex, Slums).
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