Action Request (Trell)

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your Steam Name: Fern
Your Roleplay Name: Fern Fernsby
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:582052610

Player's Steam Name: Trell
Player's Roleplay Name: Marvel Williams
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:648972354

Why should this player be punished?: 3.4, 1.4
(possibly more too but I'm not going to make a massive list when it likely won't matter anyway)

Clip 1 - Possible Metagaming via OOC - Nade // This is seen in my imgur screenshot of me talking about using nades in OOC (which is obviously Out Of Character and they should not know this. There was 0 reason for them to know I had a nade on me (which I did) other than that message. I had just died and didn't see/speak to these users at all this day. (also visible in the imgur screenshot)

Clip 2 - Thorgal died whilst raiding my apartment and I killed Marvel afterwards so both users had NLR and knew about it. (I will speak further upon later) and Marvel Williams called me (that was him in the clip) telling me to raid him right after dying. This is a clear NLR break. Furthermore both users come up to me with Marvel insulting me with no prior interaction and asking where I was basing and IMO combat baiting. Thorgal then decided to use his last life information to inform Marvel I lived in Projex 4 (Which I did).

Clip 3 - User prank calls me repeatedly and then sees me IC and decides to harass me more (IMO more combat baiting/ just general harassment) this leads to a fight where he shoots me after becoming majorly injured.) we both go to PD and PD sort things out (they confiscated his gun but no citations/prison sentences were given). Marvel then decided to rush back to his home in slums, grab a gun and shoot me killing me while knowing officers were at the front of PD. I'm fairly certain the user was apprehended right after this. Furthermore he had a sawed off double barrel, no method of escape and multiple officers on their way to apprehend him which is fairly dumb to do right outside a police station.
I'm not sure if this really matters but I believe the user also wasted staff time during this incident. After this user raided me, we were both revived in P4 where we spoke briefly (basically just him insulting me and my friend) so Marvel obviously knew we lived and we had KOS on him. I then decided to go hunt Marvel down and kill him (which I successfully did). Marvel then decided while knowing it was the same life for all of us, about 10ish minutes at most later and I had KOS on him... he f6ed me blatantly wasting Scoot's time.

Clip 4 - Thorgal and Marvel both decide to join into a fight between my two friends Pen Liza and Jack Southerland. (both friends were joke fighting and know each other very well, in fact we were all basing with each other in projex 4) This is when Thorgal and Marvel decide to come in and start aiding in the fight purely to combat bait ME. I also have evidence of Pen Liza straight up admitting she was not friends with these 2 people and in fact she apparently killed them in revenge for (combat baiting me successfully and) killing me.
(I couldn't get this link working but will keep attempting to get it in the following few days until it starts working)

Imgur (Link 5) - In relation to clip 4 this proves Pen Liza via OOC (UAV BOMBER TYPE-82) is her steam name. This further proves Thorgal's blatant witch-hunting to kill/annoy me etc.

Imgur (Link 6) - This firstly shows me typing in OOC about me having/using nades which as previously mentioned is why I believe he asked PD to search me specifically for nades.
This photo also shows he has a prior for 1.4, he received this 1.4 warning specifically for harassing ME previously via OOC for multiple days just overall being a nuisance. (I know this likely doesn't matter but he also does have a record for a blatant disregard for the Basic Conduct Rules and 3.4.)

Sorry for ranting on quite some bit but this all occurred today, I thought this was over with when he received his last warning and hadn't annoyed me much since then but clearly he just doesn't care and wants to keep this pointless feud going for longer...
(last quick note, not everything is in order but it doesn't really matter. Marvel decided to target me this much all in ONE day, within the span of a few hours. He blatantly life after life decided to attempt to kill/harass me.)

Evidence Link: (Clip 1 - ) (Clip 2 - ) (Clip 3 -
) (Clip 4 - ) (Imgur (link 5) - ) (Imgur (Link 6) - )
-how am I breaking NLR by asking you to raid me?
- I didn't say anything about the nade
-I did nothing while Thorgal was Aperantly combat baiting he didn't imo
- I asked to join the org, never said anything dissrespectful in person nor on the phone
-cops couldnt witness me shooting you and I can get in my apartman before cops can respond, since I didn't own the apartman I can be safe there
- I wasn't sure if you had keyes to the apartman and if you dont its not a justifiable reason to kos
-how am I breaking NLR by asking you to raid me?
- I didn't say anything about the nade
-I did nothing while Thorgal was Aperantly combat baiting he didn't imo
- I asked to join the org, never said anything dissrespectful in person nor on the phone
-cops couldnt witness me shooting you and I can get in my apartman before cops can respond, since I didn't own the apartman I can be safe there
- I wasn't sure if you had keyes to the apartman and if you dont its not a justifiable reason to kos
1. Your actions were based off of anger from last life.
2. You did, you said so something along the lines of “yeah actually, do search him”
3. Thorgal threatened that he or you would shoot me if I intervened and you agreed and held your gun in a passive stance. (I should have the clip soon anyway but you also initiated this incident as seen in the clip at the door of projex when you asked where I lived and insulted me.
4. You were clearly trolling/prank calling
5. You killed me outside a police station AND got arrested for it.
6. You were on raid cooldown from raiding me, last life you just previously fail raided me. There was 0 reason to be asking me it was just bait/annoying me including the random u provoked insults.
7. Also pretty much daily IC you randomly come up to me to harass me. This stopped briefly after your well deserved warning but you went right back to it. No point in even lying saying you wanted to join my org…

Just let a staff member review it no point in spamming a ton
-dosn't make it NLR, Maybe I did it because you were hostile to me for multiple days?
-how is backing up my friend meta gaming?
If he threatens in my name how is that my fault? How is me having my gun on safty combat baiting?
- I just asked to be in an org how is that harassing?
-Just because I got arrested for it? I had everything planned out I then came out and got questioned by cops, I knew there going to get DNA so I had to shootlol
I can still ask you to raid me no matter if I die or not
-I go up to u? U started this whole thing because I left an org u were not apart of when I left and started acting hostile towards me
-dosn't make it NLR, Maybe I did it because you were hostile to me for multiple days?
Multiple days? Like last life? Hey, do you know what NLR is by any chance?

I’m too lazy to respond to your other points, lets just wait for a staff member to review this.
Mate I can treat you differantly based on your actions, it's not NLR, Also I can be rude by default in any rp situation
Theese things happened hours apart from each other, he could of made and F6 for each one of them but decied to make a public forums post about it which is slander

First of all.. wow...

Second, @Thorgal can you provide insight in your actions and thoughts that occured here?

Third, @Fern where is the 4th clip you are talking about?

Will be looking into this together with @Bnjemann
Theese things happened hours apart from each other, he could of made and F6 for each one of them but decied to make a public forums post about it which is slander
All of these clips were gathered from demos btw but you keep slandering me saying I am slandering you!

Third, @Fern where is the 4th clip you are talking about?

Ok sorry, uh the clip is here :

- Trell calls me and tells me to raid him
-I joke about it as I know its him
- I go outside and see two of the people I was basing with fighting as a joke as Pen didn't really seem to chase Jack after he ran away either (Pen Liza and my ally Jack Southerland)
- I jokingly ask do I kill Pen (which I obviously wasn't going to as we were all basing at p4 together)
- Trell and Thorgal both decide to get involved in a fight which they have no reason to (Pen Liza has litteraly admit she didn't know them and later killed them in revenge for me)
- I try to shoot Thorgal for dropping my friend and knowing Trell is about to attack me too I aim at him before dying

I understand after I tried to shoot Thorgal he had a reason to kill me but the fact they both got involved in a joke fight between us all (after raiding us too, BTD , Thorgals org that Trell is in recently just bomb raided us as seen with the props but now they seem to be best friends with Pen Liza someone who they just raided even though Pen admitted and I assume will still admit they aren't friends)

TLDR: Another instance of them fishing to kill me

(also as seen in the report at the start that was the f6 Trell made against me because I validly killed him after raiding me, then he respawned, called me to raid him then did what is visible in the clip)

Also after the AR (first message is 2ish hours later on the same day, second I think was the day after... both I had not interacted with him and he was just tryna start shii) Just to reiterate these messages were not talking to Trell is was someone completely different and he chimed in with his wonderful message of joy

Tell me if you need anything else
Firstly, if it would be of been a joke Jack and Pen would of let us know and would of stopped since im guessing were not wanted in this "joke" and ofc im going to kill someone if they kill my friend, this AR is about me, and I didnt do anything to combat bait
Me, trying to deescelate the situation/ trying to stop the beef and fern is not having it, I feel targeted and dissrespected


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All of these clips were gathered from demos btw but you keep slandering me saying I am slandering you!

Ok sorry, uh the clip is here :

- Trell calls me and tells me to raid him
-I joke about it as I know its him
- I go outside and see two of the people I was basing with fighting as a joke as Pen didn't really seem to chase Jack after he ran away either (Pen Liza and my ally Jack Southerland)
- I jokingly ask do I kill Pen (which I obviously wasn't going to as we were all basing at p4 together)
- Trell and Thorgal both decide to get involved in a fight which they have no reason to (Pen Liza has litteraly admit she didn't know them and later killed them in revenge for me)
- I try to shoot Thorgal for dropping my friend and knowing Trell is about to attack me too I aim at him before dying

I understand after I tried to shoot Thorgal he had a reason to kill me but the fact they both got involved in a joke fight between us all (after raiding us too, BTD , Thorgals org that Trell is in recently just bomb raided us as seen with the props but now they seem to be best friends with Pen Liza someone who they just raided even though Pen admitted and I assume will still admit they aren't friends)

TLDR: Another instance of them fishing to kill me

(also as seen in the report at the start that was the f6 Trell made against me because I validly killed him after raiding me, then he respawned, called me to raid him then did what is visible in the clip)

Also after the AR (first message is 2ish hours later on the same day, second I think was the day after... both I had not interacted with him and he was just tryna start shii) Just to reiterate these messages were not talking to Trell is was someone completely different and he chimed in with his wonderful message of joy

Tell me if you need anything else
I wanted to know what was his problem, so we would stop beefing and he just sent a skull emoji seems like hes not trying to stop the beef
You aren't friends with any of us, it was a joke and no one was trying to kill each other... you guys were the first ones to pull your weapons too. Clear combat baiting you had no reason to join the fight or stand there with your gun waiting for me to retaliate. Thorgal quite litteraly said he/you would kill me if I got involved in a fight none of you should be involved in.
Me, trying to deescelate the situation/ trying to stop the beef and fern is not having it, I feel targeted and dissrespected
You were being sarcastic the whole time and yeah just go ahead and don't include all the messages of you insulting me and making fun of me and include the ones after it where I do the same to you.

Also for the record this dude just is currently on a 2 week ban for running up to my raid and under direct gunpoint screaming that I was up the stairs and callouts to his friends. I know this is a separate rule break for a different issue that was already resolved but this man back to back hunts me down and breaks rules just to ruin my experience and then claims that I am in the wrong and he tried to resolve all the issues.
You were clearly sarcastic and you initiated this conversation where you were insulting me and annoying me over discord. If you wanted to make up I would have been completely for it if you just sent me a genuine apology I may have even closed this AR but you didn't. You annoyed me for days, got a warning, then annoyed me for hours on end in game, I made this AR then you also went on discord to annoy me and now you are lying in this AR. But yeah I'm sure you wanted to resolve the issue when you started almost every single toxic encounter we have had. (other than a few jokes we had when I first met you with Jack Knockers when I called you an org swapper, that you claim is the whole reason for this beef)

also if you read the times you can see he is toxic then decides he is incredibly sorry and a changed man and wants to make up for everything. He started the toxicity and claims its me fault for not apologising and accepting him with open arms
How could I knowon it was u raiding, I would of done this with everyone since at that time I wasnt awear that I was breaking the rules
I wanted to know what was his problem, so we would stop beefing and he just sent a skull emoji seems like hes not trying to stop the beef
I sent the skull emoji after you were extremely toxic in perp discord but keep gaslighting/straight up lying just like you did in the f6 with whatever admin was handling in IG when you claimed I had no valid reason to kill you and blatantly wasted staff time.
How could I knowon it was u raiding, I would of done this with everyone since at that time I wasnt awear that I was breaking the rules
No sure what you're on about here... Sorry if I'm spamming a bit this AR is going to be a pain for Lucius to read
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