Action Request (Trell)

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No, I asked if you had keyes to the property since if not, and you were to kill me it wouldnt have been a valid KOS Reason
No, I asked if you had keyes to the property since if not, and you were to kill me it wouldnt have been a valid KOS
I sent the skull emoji after you were extremely toxic in perp discord but keep gaslighting/straight up lying just like you did in the f6 with whatever admin was handling in IG when you claimed I had no valid reason to kill you and blatantly wasted staff time.
And even the Staff member(Scoot) didnt deem it as a "waste of time"
He was dissrespectful towards me for no reason when I first met him on the server for no reason, my only proof for this is eye witness from littleleevi
No, I asked if you had keyes to the property since if not, and you were to kill me it wouldnt have been a valid KOS
No clue what you're on about, you died because I killed you so you asking where I live made no sense. (you were also on raid timer at this point in time for me)

And even the Staff member(Scoot) didnt deem it as a "waste of time"
Scoot asked me why I killed you and I told him why, he also asked who owned projex 4 (as I said we were basing there so he wanted to confirm), I told him who, he checked and said I was fine and closed the report. You raided my house, we all were unconscious and got revived by EMs, spoke for a bit while in police custody before you were arrested. Then I went to find you, I killed you and you came back and asked me to raid you, then asked where I live, Thorgal broke NLR as he also died in the raid then you combat baited in the fight between Jack and Pen before you got your wish and killed me.

Edit (in response to Tells message): Jack Knockers introduced me to Trell and Jack and a few other people I think Polly were joking about how Trell needed to rejoin the org and him being an org swapper. I pretty much just reiterated this and now Trell has permanent beef towards me.
I wanted to sort the stuff out and you didnt want to i want to stop the beef but u dont
There was no beef, I made a friendly joke from one of Jack's friends to another and then you took this too deep. For days on end every time you saw me you would insult me when I was just sitting in my car, chilling at bazaar or whenever. You then got a warning for the OOC stuff, did all this stuff in 1 day so I made the AR, was toxic to me on the forums and also got banned for breaking 3.4 to spite me. You started the real beef. I was down to end it up until the stuff you did the day I made this AR. In fact I felt as though the beef was already over after you received the warning but you just wanted to keep it going. We're going in circles anyway... unless something meaningful is added I will try not respond.
now your just lying, it happened in the start and i didnt know nor want this to escelate into an AR matter so i didnt clip things

First of all.. wow...

Second, @Thorgal can you provide insight in your actions and thoughts that occured here?

Third, @Fern where is the 4th clip you are talking about?

Will be looking into this together with @Bnjemann
i dont know anything other than both them are talking shit to each other Its stuipid And its not just trell its also you fern.
i dont know anything other than both them are talking shit to each other Its stuipid And its not just trell its also you fern.
That wasn't what he was asking you. He wasn't asking you your professional opinion on the events that happened...

Clip 2 - Thorgal then decided to use his last life information to inform Marvel I lived in Projex 4 (Which I did).


Clip 4 - Thorgal and Marvel both decide to join into a fight between my two friends Pen Liza and Jack Southerland. (both friends were joke fighting and know each other very well, in fact we were all basing with each other in projex 4) This is when Thorgal and Marvel decide to come in and start aiding in the fight purely to combat bait ME. I also have evidence of Pen Liza straight up admitting she was not friends with these 2 people and in fact she apparently killed them in revenge for (combat baiting me successfully and) killing me.
I assume he wanted your thoughts on this/why you were involved and why you did what you did.

// Also thanks for giving us your professional opinion anyway
Right, closing this until dealt with now that Thorgal has had the chance to reply.

Looking at all the provided clips and given explanations, we believe that although some small rule violations here and there. The biggest issue is you guys trying to provoke each other and having beef with each other.

While we believe you're all in the wrong, we wont issue any punishments in this instance, but hope you can all come to an understanding through this message. Which is, to stop trying to provoke each other, and ignore each other in and outside the server.

@Trell dont spam prankcall someone, as this is clearly excessive negativity and we do not condone any form of harassment or bullying on the server!

If beef and/or any form of contact continues to form between you all, we will issue punishments accordingly aswell as add 1.6 to those punishments as this message asks you all to stop.

Reviewed with: @Scoot, @Scrabuz and @Bnjemann.
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