Action Request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] [Helper] Prepper / Bob Nixon

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished?:

The player violated the following rule(s):
- 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk:

MTCKitten ignored the fact that there were an on-going situation which involved heavily armed suspect(s) and LEOs with their service pistols drawn. She also failed to notice that she went past 2 dead people on her way upstairs - She even stepped onto one of the suspect's AK-47s. The other LEO @Agent Green and I verbally told her to come back downstairs due to the risk of fatal injuries to be inflicted. We both had our service pistol aimed at her while telling her to stay downstairs which she decided to ignore completely. I told her multiple times that she had to leave the apartment which she completely ignored. I followed her upstairs and I eventually had to force her into the back of her own apartment in matter to preserve her life.


She clearly broke 3.4, why would u run through a clear shoot out to get to her apartment? also you were both aiming guns at her she failed to comply with that. Fully +support this AR
She clearly knew that there was a showdown and unless she was being directed by a sat nav and was completely deaf I really do not know how she could not notice. Several accounts of putting her life at risk and unrealistic actions for walking into a shootout clearly knowing what was going on.

Getting a support from me.
I will take full responsibility for my actions. I already understand what I did wrong and why I should get a punishment but I was tired of everything and just wanted to get my things from my apartment and be gone. The fact that David Peach (Aka GamingPeach) had earlier that night broken a rule, 3.24 to be exact, he then impounded my car for no reason, ticketed me for 'Illegal Parking' and let a citizen jump around on cars, as he took me to jail I asked him what he took me for and then gave a reason which was once again a out of character reason so breaking 3.24 again. This had ruined my mood and a few people were witnesses of me having lost the spirit to play or do anything. Obviously this can be totally irrelevant but any so, as I said I will take full responsibility and like I said above in reply to GamingPeach's reply, We don't have eyes at the back of our heads so me not seeing the fact that I was gunpoint until i entered the apartment was not my fault, though the fact that I ignored the consistent calling out is my fault. But like I said above once again, it wasn't a thought out action and it was more of a reaction as I seriously just wanted to go in and out. But yeah as said I will take the punishment given.
Lucia has clearly broken the rules in this situation and should've complied with your orders especially when she was at gunpoint, the fact that you had to force her into the back of her own apartment just to stop her from getting shot shows that she probably hasn't read or fully understood the rules.
@MrAaron :booty:

Yeah it's pretty clear that rules were broken. As Blicky said "
  • the fact that you had to force her into the back of her own apartment just to stop her from getting shot shows that she probably hasn't read or fully understood the rules."
You've been on fire recently with these action requests Prepper. Good work keep it comin'
Tbh, I think this only deserves a warning and not a ban, but that's up to the admin to decide, she clearly broke a rule, she admits it and accepts punishment for it.
+Support, clearly broke 3.4 by not listening while being under gunpoint and 2.1 by not reacting at all while being hit by a nightstick.
After reviewing the evidence it is clear that the user has violated the rules she clearly was not complying with your orders while under gunpoint i believe she has not read and understood the rules as she clearly didn't think she was breaking rules.

The user should be givan some form punishment for this i also believe she needs to go back and read the rules where she can understand them.
Placing your life at any sort of unreasonable risk is not allowed, as shown by the server rules.
The attitude and plain insubordination to following any kind of fear of life rule has been presented within the demo you've linked.

Kitten, you need to understand that even though you're new to the server - Reading over the rules is vital for roleplay, you've ruined any kind of attempt to roleplay by your actions and you should be punished. You have been playing the server for ample time for you to understand that putting your life at risk is a rule.

You also sound a lot like my ex, but I'm not going to go into that.

I will take full responsibility for my actions. I already understand what I did wrong and why I should get a punishment but I was tired of everything and just wanted to get my things from my apartment and be gone. The fact that David Peach (Aka GamingPeach) had earlier that night broken a rule, 3.24 to be exact, he then impounded my car for no reason, ticketed me for 'Illegal Parking' and let a citizen jump around on cars, as he took me to jail I asked him what he took me for and then gave a reason which was once again a out of character reason so breaking 3.24 again. This had ruined my mood and a few people were witnesses of me having lost the spirit to play or do anything. Obviously this can be totally irrelevant but any so, as I said I will take full responsibility and like I said above in reply to GamingPeach's reply, We don't have eyes at the back of our heads so me not seeing the fact that I was gunpoint until i entered the apartment was not my fault, though the fact that I ignored the consistent calling out is my fault. But like I said above once again, it wasn't a thought out action and it was more of a reaction as I seriously just wanted to go in and out. But yeah as said I will take the punishment given.

We appreciate that you understand what you did was wrong, and it's understandable that you may or may not have known that you were under gunpoint, thing is. You should've known by the heavy presence of officers in the area, that you had very little chance of being able to get into your flat and take some things out.
Also, we all have asshats that refuse to roleplay appropriately and as a result ruin a whole situation and it does get everyone fired up and quite angry, but to be fair here; you're the one that broke rules and ruined @Prepper 's RP situation in this scenario. If you want Peach dealt with, it might be a good idea to upload a demo and post an action request if you believe it to be appropriate.

User have already been banned. This AR was taken into consideration when making the ban. We strongly suggest you to read the rules over.
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