Action Request

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Madje Mauricio
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Admin didnt give me
His/Her SteamID: Admin didnt give me
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Molotoved my house for no reason, I was dealing with a f6 parked in the bank when I saw someone throwing a molotov into my appt in regals 2.
Evidence (Demo Required):Idk how I can be able to provide the demo when the only thing I saw was someone with a molotov in the hand and running off. I made a f6 and said that it was either the one that I killed or that killed me and the only thing I got from that f6 was that the guy timed out.
I believe I was dealing with this situation either with adi or blackdown.
Emanfredini Eddy Eman STEAM_0:1:80542488 Player threw a molotov near Regal Apartment 2 18 jun. 2020 04:02:21 I got this from a staff member I dont know if it helps.
Just to let you know your demos will have a date and time stamp on them which allows you to know which demo this situation would be included in. So try and think back to the general date and time of the incident and then look through a few demos and you should find it.
Hello Madje, I was the one delaing with your report and situation. I've gathered the evidence, observed the situation myself, and have spoken with the member who threw the Molotov, @ardomaxi . I'll be handling this AR for you with @Shay tomorrow.

@ardomaxi Will receive a warning for his actions.
Feel free to make a RR for your items
Reviewed by myself and @Blackdown
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