Actually make it so guns don't impact your aim.

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Nottingham, England
Description of the idea: Make it so guns are "non collide" was suggested by @Greg, this was responded, and there are still often instances where our shooting is flung up in the air because of guns.

Why should this be added? (pros): Something needs to stop guns massively upsetting movement and shooting

What negatives could this have? (cons): There could be unforeseen consequences of things like nocolliding guns

A couple of clips of movement and shooting when walking on guns:
Or just make it so we can aim whilst falling or in the air like it was before and then we fix multiple issues at once whilst only having 1 easily enforceable issue that is people jump shotting in raids. Simple.
Looks like the fence did you dirty, should still be able to ADS imo.
Instead of the gun spassing out. Make the weapon less accurate while jumping like in csgo.
Weapons are already terribly inaccurate in hipfire mode, maybe make that the standard when falling/jumping but make recoil stay the same
But that would only fix the recoil issue from standing on guns, the Issue of inaccuracy whilst standing on a dropped gun would still be there.
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