Police Suggestion Actually useful police Equipment + DNA Tool addition

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Description of the idea:
Adding actually useful police equipment to PERP, as well as

Recently suggestion regarding additions for police equipment seem excessive.

Tactical lockpick
A bobby pin which should be about 95% as effective as a standard bobby pin. You use it in the same way as you'd use a bobby pin. It is the same volume as a standard bobby. How effective it is will depend on your lockpicking level. It will however be about 75% the speed of a normal bobby pin.

The tactical lock pick won't "Break". It can fail however. The sound it makes if it fails will be louder than a regular bobby pin for balancing purposes.

ALTERNATIVE IDEA: Could allow TFU To choose bobby pins to replace C2, or it could work alongside C2.

Would be useful for getting into places without actually damaging the door.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Makes sense. A tactical firearms officer in real life would have some sort of multitool with a lock pick.
- Pretty fucking tactical tbh.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Could be OP against large scale properties
- People could shoot cops thinking they're just raiders

Description of the idea:

Accessible by Corporal +, the megaphone will amplify a players voice to about 3x the distance of /y. It will be equip-able in the same slot as road spikes will be. You hold left click to raise the megaphone, and when you speak whilst holding the left mouse button down, it will amplify your voice. It won't make it "louder", It'll add a slight grainy sound to it and extend the range.

Why should this be added? (pros):
It would be useful for clearing a perimeter, communicating with hostage takers, negotiations, and to evacuate the public. Could also be used to give orders to a potentially dangerous suspect from a safe distance.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Abuse (Which would be against policies)

Description of the idea:

This will be given to Patrol and RTU officers, but not TFU, as this kind of activity is beyond TFO's. If a TFO Catches a suspected drink driver, they should notify a patrol or traffic officer.

The Breathalyzer will show if a user is intoxicated and provide a BA Estimation. The breathalyzer will work by left clicking a suspect who is in handcuffs, at which point a status bar will appear for 5 seconds, and it will give you an estimation on how intoxicated a user is.

For the sake of gameplay, the Breathalyzer will also pick up on drug use.

How it will work:

They'll be 3 levels of detection, which will be:
Intoxicated: Your characters vision and actions are currently under the effects of the drug.
Positive: You have consumed the drug in the past 15 minutes, but currently aren't physically under the influence.
Negative: You have not consumed the drug in the past 15 minutes.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Makes sense
- Allows police officers to actually RP

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Random drug and drink checkpoints taking up player time.

Description of the idea:
High vis jacket.

Will be equip-able by RTU officers only, a high vis already exists but its fucking shit and only accessibly by SA+ / Devs. It will make your body armour into a high visibility jacket, allowing officers to operate safer on the highway.

The high vis will spawn in the trunk of all cars belonging to RTU officers and should take up an equipment slot to equip and dequip. The item will be switched by a SWEP, a status bar will appear for 5 seconds to remove the vest.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- The item already exists, we just need a texture for it.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- None

Description of the idea:
Chem light.

A chem light will be a glowstick accessible by TFU. You equip it and throw it or drop it. Left click will drop a chemlight. Pressing E on a chem light will destroy it, and they'll naturally disappear after 10 minutes. TFU will get 2 each.

Chem lights are used IRL by swat teams to mark important points of a scene for investigating officers and other team members. The chemlights should serve as beacons to show an area has been secured.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- PLPD Rave parties
- Useful for large property raids.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Essentially pointless.
- Maybe I've played too much SWAT 3 IDK.
- If implemented incorrectly could lead to FPS issues if they make the chemlight actually emit light.

Description of the idea:
DNA Tools determine who an item that was dropped by a player either manually or upon death belongs to.

The tool would give a name and description similar to how it works on bodies on who the last person to hold the gun was. The DNA Tool won't show the original owner if the gun was dropped from another players inventory however.

This won't work on props.

Why should this be added? (pros):
CERTAIN OFFICERS can stop pretending that they can't prove a gun belonged to a defender so they actually have to investigate it and not just minge grab someones legally used firearm after a crim vs crim / civ raid.
Officers can devote time into helping the community by returning lost property and do something actually good for a change.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- none

I’d say the hi-vis jacket because it already exists but @TinySlayer hasn’t allowed regular officers to put it on besides himself some times.

I would love to see this as a function for RTU officers when they are dealing with crash scenes, traffic stops or perimeters to differentiate the Patrol officers and RTU officers like the old uniforms.
If I remember correctly, the high vis jacket that's in-game is just a reskin that I did a few years ago. It's truly awful and shouldn't have been put in the game. I did ask Stephen to attempt to make a new material, but the model was too messed up to even attempt. We'd really need a new model & material to even consider adding this, it's possible just unlikely in the near future.
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They originally were, and I also think there is some accepted suggestion that has this as well... I would love to see them make a return, regardless.
Tactical Lockpick
I don't believe their is anything in the law/SOP that prevents you from using specific equipment (such as the ram or C2) to breach an area. I think its mainly over the legality of breaching the property. I'd love this, regardless, but you can technically do it if you are a dirty enough cop. Drop the bobby before signing on, pick up bobby, and boom, lockpicking officer!

I don't think this is too bad of an idea, it should technically be in every officer's vehicle. But if you are out about walking around, I think I see more RTU and TFU using it...

Breathalyzers, in the US at the very least, are not admissible in court, and so I don't think they should be the primary evidence we use to convict drunk drivers. However. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that using a B.A.C test within the Police Department is admissible and good in court!

His Vis Jacket
Yes. And don't restrict them from regular officers. They shouldn't be "just another reason to join RTU" like how @Mimball wants it. I did not graduate high school where every kid flexed about their supreme shirts and Jordans just to come online and see people flexing a whole construction worker outfit.

Chem Lights/Glowsticks
Good party idea. Useful for TFU. But goodbye the last of my 15 frames and server performance!

Forensic Tools
I made this suggestion. Literally 3 months ago I believe? Yes. Just give us the whole division as well, tbh!
Breathalyzers, in the US at the very least, are not admissible in court, and so I don't think they should be the primary evidence we use to convict drunk drivers. However. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that using a B.A.C test within the Police Department is admissible and good in court!
but they are litteraly everywhere else
I never said I wanted High-Vis only for RTU. However, this has been bought up ALOT of times within RTU Command Meetings and been asking for it for a while. Its a feature we would like to have in RTU as we tend to deal with more incidents that would require it. I'm all for the suggestion originally created by Benji
Yes, you did. You told me in TeamSpeak.

"I want High Vis Jackets for RTU because it would be a neat little reason to join" - Mimball, like a week ago in TeamSpeak.

"I never said I wanted High-Vis only for RTU.... It's a feature we would like to have in RTU as we tend to deal with more incidents that would require it." - Mimball, now.
@Devon Stewart

I said it would be a nice feature to have for RTU but i never said I WANTED it. Rather than argue with it how about I ask you your reasoning as to why you want it for Patrol? I very rarely see Patrol Officers doing Traffic Cordons and its not like you have a shortage of officers that need new features. To put things into perspective the number of officers we have in RTU is much much much less than the default division patrol, so maybe you can see why I would think this would be a 'neat feature' to help draw in more applicants.
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