Model Suggestion Add a ''broken bottle'' after using bottle 2nd or 3rd hit

Suggestion Title: Add a ''broken bottle'' after using bottle 2nd or 3rd hit
Suggestion Description: first hit of the bottle hits like normal but maybe the 2nd or 3rd time it breaks into a ''broken bottle'' this causes a low amount of bleeding and damage the bottle will instantly break after using it on someone else
perhaps a antiminge/balance feature is it could also have a low chance to break in your own hand causing bleeding and small amounts of damage to you

Why should this be added?:
- makes it realistic as most people would be hit with a broken bottle in fights not whole ones

What negatives could this have?:
- minge fighters with enough bottles for a recycling plant in their inventory's to mess about with [but this can be dealt with like any other 2.5 incidents]