I dont agree, I think 2 is far more than enough. Most of the time packages dont spawn fast enough with two couriers.. heck even one courier. Half the time im sitting in the warehouse like this waiting for packages to spawn
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/496836317766746123/1133522007376539688/image.png (I was sitting there afk for 7 minutes with no package from Player or NPC after delivering the ones I had.)

If the packages were to spawn faster, then maybe. Then comes the pay downgrade, instead of delivering a package for 20k and receiving 2k, 2 couriers make it 1k, 3 couriers 666, ect. It would make people want to play it even less than they do currently. Since couriers don't have designated areas to park, if you get in trouble for trying to park closer in a no park zone, the 600 dollars doesn't seem worth it anymore especially since most player made packages range from a payment of $40-2k (divide that by three).
No park zones also make courier take longer, which is the main issue. If you were to replace all No park zones with courier only parking "all others will be towed" signs it would make courier faster at delivering since they no longer need to park half the map away and run it on foot.(it would keep the no parking tow zone but allow government couriers to park for 2 seconds to deliver a package)

This sign exchange for the no parking zones would speed up courier delivery which is one thing people complain about the most.(albeit I get angry calls from players literally the second they put a order in thinking it just spawns in your van while ur driving) I had a player in suburbs make a order right in front of me then ask for their package....
Something that also makes couriers take longer is multiple NPC packages to the same place. For example we cant combine two chaddys packages, so we have to run two blocks on foot for each package to and from the store. If we could combine them we would only have to make the trek once. You could add more movement speed to courier so when we have to run that far on foot its not as bad?
Another QOL thing would be a list on our screen that is small(moveable) but shows all the locations on the packages in our vehicle so we can figure out the fastest route without having to go into the back and read the boxes with the half cut off text ending in dots. You could also opt to give the people waiting for delivery a GPS location of their package like the red dots we get for delivery, but they have one showing where we are so they don't get angry waiting thinking you aren't on the way with their package.
You could try to make jumping in and out of the vehicle for packages less glitchy? make it so we can access them outside of the van? Ive gotten trapped multiple times inside of the back of the van trying to grab a package.
I think courier is fine how it is now with its slots, it just needs QOL added via signs and probably coding for combining NPC packages together(or letting us hold two packages in our hand) and it would be a lot faster for players that are waiting on a package.
edit: I've heard about a speed upgrade for vehicles(I don't know if its actually a thing as I ONLY play courier and nothing else) maybe give special couriers that if it exists instead of that god awful van that u cant see past when driving, is slower than the rest of the vehicles provided and no-one ever uses(including myself).