Server Suggestion Add bazaar doors

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Suggestion Title: Add bazaar doors
Suggestion Description: Raiding at bazaar was some of the most fun I have experienced in perp.

I understand bazaar growers can be annoying to crim mains who want to raid full properties. However on the other hand it's the easiest way to make off with free guns and drugs while punishing bazaar growing and encouraging actual basing as well as more rivalries.

This is possible through the justified shooting of a visibly-armed bazaar grower who's on his shop front.

Why should this be added?:
- More rivalries
- More raid opportunities
- Bazaar growing is easily punishable through the above mentioned method
- The losses attained by the punishments might result in an aftermath where the losing defenders begin basing more to bounce back.
- Helps low population be less anti-climactic

What negatives could this have?:
- Too much crime for PD to respond to?
Only benefit to adding the doors back is being able to mug again, Bazaar shootouts are extremely negative to everybody not involved and aren’t needed in the slightest, if you want to grow then grow at Projex, you have plenty of time between growing to run to Bazaar and back
let's be real bazaar shootouts are the most annoying call any cop could get, and all shopkeepers hate it, having to deal with 20 people who might be armed is hard enough, now imagine doing that while being unsure how many could be behind the door or stuff like that
No thanks. Bazaar is a lot more lively since the change and all the shops are actually being used as shops instead of drug farms.
I loved it how people used to raid is was funny i want this to happen again there will be more focus on the business shops now a bit cause people don't want to be mugged this will be a nice edition for once again and give memories
Only benefit to adding the doors back is being able to mug again, Bazaar shootouts are extremely negative to everybody not involved and aren’t needed in the slightest, if you want to grow then grow at Projex, you have plenty of time between growing to run to Bazaar and back
They're risking their life for staying outside aren't they
They're risking their life for staying outside aren't they
People own shops; people sell items and more, they craft and go AFK at times and yet get shot because a shootout is happening right next to them, it still happens now without doors but it'd be much much more frequent if the doors were re-added, drugs in the back of a shop is unrealistic anyway, follow 2.1 kiddo
Raiding bazaar was absolutely the worst because people could just spread out across bazaar and 20 man defend a tiny box and we couldn’t just preemptively spray them down before raiding as it alerted the base something was going on and people would just scream they were being massRDM’d.

Bombing a bazaar shop came with the complication that people would scream 2.5 because their shop got damaged which led to inconsistencies in performance from staff handling it as there was never a widely accepted stance that bombing a shop was excessively negative to their surrounding shops.

Furthermore raiding bazaar shops removes the ability for players To browse and purchase items. A bunch of people would walk in just to get gunned down.

Lest we forget vehicles would be piled up on business street acting as an impromptu perimeter blocking off a whole corner of the highway and in turn forcing a dangerous U turn.

Keeping raids to areas that are less accessible with less benefit to be standing around there for no reason, and in turn adding less benefit to walking into the shootout is arguably better for newer players And the playerbase in general.

It is arguably better that all the shop properties besides puffer mart be kept solely as business premises and that growing or mugging in them becomes a banned act. The reality of the situation is providing this safe space from mugging for people looking to make money solely through supplying and providing items, particularly weapons and consumable items with single or finite uses is absolutely a great addition, and serves as a huge breakaway from the overrated and unenjoyable forced PVP or Cop and Crim maining fun void that PERP has desperately been trying to break for the last half a decade.
the overrated and unenjoyable forced PVP or Cop and Crim maining fun void that PERP has desperately been trying to break for the last half a decade.
holy shit never heard it to be well said, i do think atm the server's doing good, there's a lot of shit you can do other than cop maining or crim maining, mainly being shopkeeping, and i think adding these doors back would just make it chaos and ruin that whole "branch" of roleplay, as shopkeeping would just die out by big orgs holding a tiny box with a shit ton of drugs inside there
The only people who want bazzar doors back are the people that sit there growing in the back of their shop. When bazzar doors were there I would sometimes see upwards of 10 planters (5people) growing in a shop at one time

Its a stupid idea to bring it back, bazzar is not much of a shit fest as what it was which is wonderful
The only people who want bazzar doors back are the people that sit there growing in the back of their shop
Not true, I miss mugging and executing visibly armed bazaar shop owners to punish bazaar growing. That's why I want it back personally.
Removing the bazaar and business shop's doors is probably the experience with the best outcome within this community since I joined.

With this simple fix we managed to tackle a long list of problems (most of them were mentioned by @Bnje) and allowed bazaar to become a place where players less interested in the PVP part of the gamemode can also enjoy their time on the server.

From a staff member's perspective, old bazaar was nothing but a shit show and personally I hated the way that old, experienced players were using that area of the map as their personal growing terrain

I was going to write a long text but realized that a picture is worth more than 1000 words.

I am so glad we ended this.

Removing the bazaar and business shop's doors is probably the experience with the best outcome within this community since I joined.

With this simple fix we managed to tackle a long list of problems (most of them were mentioned by @Bnje) and allowed bazaar to become a place where players less interested in the PVP part of the gamemode can also enjoy their time on the server.

From a staff member's perspective, old bazaar was nothing but a shit show and personally I hated the way that old, experienced players were using that area of the map as their personal growing terrain

I was going to write a long text but realized that a picture is worth more than 1000 words.

I am so glad we ended this.

I say whoever owned that shop is probably a very kind and handsome fella. I say we bring back shopgrowing!
Removing the bazaar and business shop's doors is probably the experience with the best outcome within this community since I joined.

With this simple fix we managed to tackle a long list of problems (most of them were mentioned by @Bnje) and allowed bazaar to become a place where players less interested in the PVP part of the gamemode can also enjoy their time on the server.

From a staff member's perspective, old bazaar was nothing but a shit show and personally I hated the way that old, experienced players were using that area of the map as their personal growing terrain

I was going to write a long text but realized that a picture is worth more than 1000 words.

I am so glad we ended this.

I still kind of miss the style behind business shops but I understand why its more cons than pros now.

hopefully Farm and other dead places like market stalls can be remodeled and reimagined to better utilize the map space within the limitations of source 1.
yup lets do that so the cops have to also worry about bazar getting shot up 24/7, or bombs exploding, or ppl getting mugged 24/7, or hostage situations xd. Just raid something normal
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