Add morphine injection

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Morphine injection

Short explanation
Add morphine injection.

Detailed description
I think it would be nice if the server have morphine injection. Morphine injection would be useful for example : every time you are raiding someone or you get raided if they shoot your legs you cant do anything with broken legs you cant run,cant move fast to avoid bullets or jump. If you use this morphine injection your legs are back to normal.

Optional additions:
You can craft morphine injection
If you use a morphine injection it wont stop the bleeding

​Thats all thanks for reading i hope you will accept my sugestion.
+Support Its really annoying when you're getting raided or you're the one raiding (or just a shootout), that after you managed to kill the person(s). Finding yourself stuck because of broken legs. And the closest bandage being in storage or trunk. Resulting you to die on your way to your car/storage.
JarredInator said:
+Support Its really annoying when you're getting raided or you're the one raiding (or just a shootout), that after you managed to kill the person(s). Finding yourself stuck because of broken legs. And the closest bandage being in storage or trunk. Resulting you to die on your way to your car/storage.
Even if you have a bandage on you it will take long time go to your car and at this time police might come and arrest you.

- Unfair for new people when they get raided
- WIll support highend orgs only
Would destroy the whole balance and makes some people OP
Hax;n34446 said:

- Unfair for new people when they get raided
- WIll support highend orgs only
Would destroy the whole balance and makes some people OP
At first I thought it was a great idea, but after reading this I also will - Support.
- Support.

Would make Medics even more boring.
Would be unfair for players.
Unrealistic - Morphine does not heal broken legs........................................................
Hax said:

- Unfair for new people when they get raided
- WIll support highend orgs only
Would destroy the whole balance and makes some people OP
How will it be unfair for new people? If you only need some materials and a crafting level (what you can reach pretty quick) like the bandage does. Also if you make it that it takes 20 seconds before you're able to move again it wouldn't be "That" OP.
LEWIS 088 said:
- Support.

Would make Medics even more boring.
Would be unfair for players.
Unrealistic - Morphine does not heal broken legs........................................................
Morphine relieves pain because it is a narcotic pain reliever that is used to treat moderate or severe pain. Maybe not completly fixing broken legs, just giving you the ability to run with shift for a period amount of time?
LEWIS 088;n34449 said:
- Support.

Would make Medics even more boring.
Would be unfair for players.
Unrealistic - Morphine does not heal broken legs........................................................

Exactly what he said, -Support.
If we had made dayz rp I would agree, but in real life believe it or not morphine doesn't fix your broken leg.... wonder why
LEWIS 088 said:
- Support.

Would make Medics even more boring.
Would be unfair for players.
Unrealistic - Morphine does not heal broken legs........................................................
It is a form of pain relief not bone growth...
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