Police Suggestion Add Music radios to police cars

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Brief description of idea: Give police cars the ability to have music playing in the car, normal radio stations.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: It allows officers to patrol and listen to music they enjoy on the radio stations rather than using youtube or playing music through their phones IRL

What potential negatives could this have for the department: None I can think of.

Other additions:
This is massively unprofessional, gotta disagree here
It's unfortunate for you that radios are a thing in real police cars. Gotta disagree here.
How is it unprofessional lol.
Stop acting like your the ceo of professionalism lmao. Radios are a real thing in police vehicles
> be criminal
> Doing bank
> “why are there no cops????”
> Hear the sound of police cars in the distance but without sirens
> Getready.jpg
> Initial D is playing slowly getting louder
> SWAT van smashes through bank window as “GAS GAS GAAAAAS” is on full blast

idk it’d be funny but overall really fucking useless and would just further overcomplicate police car controls.
They usually aren’t, the sound system is removed to make room for sirens and communications equipment.
You haven't played FiveM RP servers yet. Police car controls on this server is nothing compared to over there with their ELS'n shit.
There are a few cons I would consider including in your post when adding radio stations to police/ff/emt vehicles.

One is that it can end up being aids if not used properly. (Used to drown out someone talking for example)
Could interfere with the police radio, forcing you to shut it off before you're able to listen to the rest of the message someone's transmitting. You'll miss the first few parts of the message.
I’ve played a garrys mod system where you Needed to use specific key combinations to get different siren and light types.
the first thing i thought of when you said the sound system was replaced with the siren was that the speakers played the siren's audio into the car instead of your average radio station

anyway, you could install speakers somewhere near or in the trunk or in the front of the car, which still leaves room for the default speakers to play your music through
i'd say fivem is worse, im assuming you're talking about that photon addon or whatever
Not in the UK at least, the space where the radio is normally holds a laptop for doing various tasks, I cannot imagine a situation where police having access to music would be beneficial at all
I really don't want someone in a speed enforcer blasting eurobeat while chasing me down.
Some cops just end up not doing anything for a while, so they find a spot, write up their reports for things they've done during the day involving people, before they forget the exact details. Then they move on, being a cop isn't just about catching people in the act, you also gotta write up statements to follow up what you intend to charge people with in court. And so on.
So yes, I'd actually sit "AFK" in my car as a cop writing reports while I listen to music. If I was a cop that is.
@Exnem You can just have youtube open then whilst you do those reports if youre not gonna do anything ingame, then turn volume a bit down so you can hear anything.
I think you missed the part where I was speaking relative to real life, considering I'm blacklisted from cop until 3019.
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