Server Suggestion Adding crackhead NPCs who trade items for drugs

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Suggestion Title: Adding crackhead NPCs who trade items for drugs
Suggestion Description: Adding an NPC who appears in alleyways, by bins and other out-of the way but not completely hidden locations, who will exchange random items for a set amount of specific drugs.

The lore behind them is they are homeless petty scavengers and petty burglars who steal electronic goods, weapons, and other assets to exchange for drugs.

Dialogue should work as such:
NPC “Can you get me my fix man? I’ll make it worth your while”
Options “Depends, what do you need and what have you got?”
This will continue the dialogue.
“No, fuck off you cretin!”
Will end dialogue.
Upon selecting the yes option, you will be met with:
“I need *number* of fixes of *drug wanted*! I’ll give you this *Offered item* for it! Please!
Options from this point will be:
“Sure, I got you” - This will exchange the drug for the item(s).
“I don’t have that on me right now” - Option for if you don’t have it.
“You tryina rip me off? Talk to me when you have something worth my product” - rejection option.

Items offered should include:
- 1 to 10 mobile phones, Life alerts, Car security upgrades, home alarms, Fire alarms, Radios, Sudafed, Painkillers,
- 1 to 3 Televisions, Monitors, Speakers,
- 1 to 5 ephedrine, Pyrex dishes, distillation kits, and other chemical table equipment. As well as boxes of beer,
- 10 to 80 of a crafting material.
- 1 firearm or firearm component.

These items will be chosen at random. The amount of drugs required should scale with the value of the item and amount offered, and this should work out to be a fair deal, allowing you to get these items slightly cheaper on the exchange of having to pay in drugs. There should be times when the drug amount requested slightly sours the deal.

These changes should come with a small amount of XP. The NPC will change deal upon one being made, or his deal not being taken.

Why should this be added?:
- Realistic.
- Another use for drugs other than turning them into money.
- A reason to keep drugs rather than sell the whole product.

What negatives could this have?:
- Kinda grim but that’s what we live for.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Another use for drugs and drug dealing.
Suggestion Title: Adding crackhead NPCs who trade items for drugs
Suggestion Description: Adding an NPC who appears in alleyways, by bins and other out-of the way but not completely hidden locations, who will exchange random items for a set amount of specific drugs.

The lore behind them is they are homeless petty scavengers and petty burglars who steal electronic goods, weapons, and other assets to exchange for drugs.

Dialogue should work as such:
NPC “Can you get me my fix man? I’ll make it worth your while”
Options “Depends, what do you need and what have you got?”
This will continue the dialogue.
“No, fuck off you cretin!”
Will end dialogue.
Upon selecting the yes option, you will be met with:
“I need *number* of fixes of *drug wanted*! I’ll give you this *Offered item* for it! Please!
Options from this point will be:
“Sure, I got you” - This will exchange the drug for the item(s).
“I don’t have that on me right now” - Option for if you don’t have it.
“You tryina rip me off? Talk to me when you have something worth my product” - rejection option.

Items offered should include:
- 1 to 10 mobile phones, Life alerts, Car security upgrades, home alarms, Fire alarms, Radios, Sudafed, Painkillers,
- 1 to 3 Televisions, Monitors, Speakers,
- 1 to 5 ephedrine, Pyrex dishes, distillation kits, and other chemical table equipment. As well as boxes of beer,
- 10 to 80 of a crafting material.
- 1 firearm or firearm component.

These items will be chosen at random. The amount of drugs required should scale with the value of the item and amount offered, and this should work out to be a fair deal, allowing you to get these items slightly cheaper on the exchange of having to pay in drugs. There should be times when the drug amount requested slightly sours the deal.

These changes should come with a small amount of XP. The NPC will change deal upon one being made, or his deal not being taken.

Why should this be added?:
- Realistic.
- Another use for drugs other than turning them into money.
- A reason to keep drugs rather than sell the whole product.

What negatives could this have?:
- Kinda grim but that’s what we live for.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Another use for drugs and drug dealing.
good criminal buff
You could make players race against one another to complete these missions.

Like he only appears a few times per day, but gives a good payout to only 1 player.

Another good Crackhead Benji suggestion!

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