Adding curtains to windows.

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Topic: Add curtains to windows

Short explanation (in notes):
-You wouldn't have to put a fence in front of your window for privacy and get raided for it.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I hate not being able to block off your windows with fences because if you do you get raided by cops. It would just add more privacy.

Optional additions:
Yeah, this is a good idea as many people walk around and stare into your windows for loot too take :3 Curtains would be more realistic than a fence too. +Support.
I also +support this, because of everything that has been told above me. No need to add anything else here.
I +support it as well. Annoying with cops storming the building because blocking the windows looks 'suspicious'.
+support, i often see people putting giant wooden fences in there windows...not very realistic, there obviously shouldnt be curtains in a place like hicktown, they would be most suitable in Regal, Slums, Projex, and all suburbs houses. Maybe when you buy a house you could buy a seperate addon that enables the curtains? Eh, either way i think its a good idea,
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I do believe that there should be a more "legal" approach to having privacy on your private property.
Obviously, boarding up the windows is a little suspicious and for experienced players it's like a flashing neon sign with this on it:

However if we had a simple curtains/blinds system, most players would close them for privacy with, or without drugs. Whereas ATM, if you have a blocked window, you most likely have something to hide. Also, I think maybe at bazaar shops, or the business shops, there could be corrugated metal shutters, that you can to publically declare the shop closed, or open. Maybe simple blinds for the office, projex, and slums apts. and maybe curtains for the suburbs and regal, and Maybe wooden, door-like shutters at the cabins and hick town homes.
While this is not necessarily a bad idea, there are plenty of ways to legally hide your drugs presently if you're creative enough. Also trying to add curtains is not as easy as you may think as it would mean a lot of defining positions and the fact that the way the curtains work in some of the suburb houses presently is controlled via the map itself (@Xquality 's work) so I find this to be a bit excessive and unfortunately will have to move it to the appropriate section.
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