Adding tinycalc (or any other calculator) to the phone

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Main Idea: Adding some sort of crafting calculator to the phone (tinycalc would be good)

Full description of the idea: Basically just adding a calculator to the phone, could be like tinycalc or something else. Tinycalc would be good enough and you could also make it so when you click on it the phone tilts sideways, like this.
ladda ned.jpg
This would need some rescaling but it would be a great addition. Also make it so you can just scroll down a bit, if it would be rescaled to the size of the phone it would be aids.

Why should it be added?: Making a crafting calculator on the phone would make people actually use it, some people don't even know theres crafting calculators and with it being on the phone more people would have use of it.

- Easy to access
- More people would make use of crafting calculator (newer players mostly)
- Less effort to use than what you currently are using

- Difficult to implement?

*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: [useful images]
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Why not, instead of making dedicated apps for specific things, just add a web browser app that allows your phone to load websites in-game?
I have absolutely no clue how that is going to be implemented, but this means a variety of websites could work including, youtube, perp and the like. I doubt logins through in-game would be safe but what do I know.
@Exnem ツ I feel like that is redundant given that you can just hit shift+tab. That also makes it no easier as players still have to go to the website. I feel like adding a tinyCalc app is a fantastic idea and should be done :)
@Exnem ツ I feel like that is redundant given that you can just hit shift+tab. That also makes it no easier as players still have to go to the website. I feel like adding a tinyCalc app is a fantastic idea and should be done :)
Shift+Tab is the most broken piece of shit to me, I tab, wait like 2 seconds, it pops up, I exit tab and all of a sudden by chance the overlay crashes and I'm forced to restart the game or tab out and open my browser.
Shift+Tab is the most broken piece of shit to me, I tab, wait like 2 seconds, it pops up, I exit tab and all of a sudden by chance the overlay crashes and I'm forced to restart the game or tab out and open my browser.
This legit always happens to me and its so annoying, hence why I'd want it on the phone, very easy to access
Maybe make it VIP only, insentive for more sausage money

I disagree with this just because adding it to the phone makes it more sweater accessible. The real tinyCalc will always not be VIP and I don't think it would really sell. tinyCalc would miss out on helping the sweaters if made a phone app this way. I think it should be open to all :p
This might Indeed be useful so I don't have to Shift + Tab, Then have steam overlay lag again, and the browser glitching. This would be a small but nice feature.
olSEnAlWayS.Win BESt calCualaToR

lol.... who crafts anymore
Also, mind this isn't only for people that played for a long time, this would make the calculator used by more people, mostly new players that don't know about tinycalc and the other calculators.

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