Additional income for roadcrew

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Some small suggestions to make the roadcrew more appealing.

Suggestion 1
Just like a medic gets 500 everytime he revives people, roadcrew should get a compensation everytime he tows a car back to base.

Suggestion 2
If a car is succesfully towed to the roadcrew base, the owner of the car should not be able to respawn his car, but should get it back with a certain payment at the roadcrew base.
Yea. This is some good ideas, this could be cool, there is many playes that just respawns their cars.

Might happen, a bit tricky to code, but it's possible as is just about anything. We will save this idea for Paralake however.
A better (and perhaps easier to code?) way is to give the roadcrew money when they fix a car.

When I play as roadcrew and tow a car to the impound lot, I PM the owner of the car, telling him/her something like this:
"Hello sir, your car has been impounded by the roadcrew. Please contact me to arrange delivery to your location"
If they then respond I can choose to charge a few hundred dollars for the transportation and repair costs.
+Support this! I'm not sure which suggestion you think would be tricky to code StephenPuffs, but if it is the 1st one I think that the 2nd one would be just as good.
Fexxe said:
A better (and perhaps easier to code?) way is to give the roadcrew money when they fix a car.

When I play as roadcrew and tow a car to the impound lot, I PM the owner of the car, telling him/her something like this:
"Hello sir, your car has been impounded by the roadcrew. Please contact me to arrange delivery to your location"
If they then respond I can choose to charge a few hundred dollars for the transportation and repair costs.
This, like medic receiving a bonus for reviving is easily able to be abused for a large sum of money in not much time and unless we catch a player doing it, or someone reports it to us, it goes unnoticed generally. So I'm not sure if I totally like this, it's not bad, I thought about it in my initial response, but I still feel the same.
ind said:
+Support this! I'm not sure which suggestion you think would be tricky to code StephenPuffs, but if it is the 1st one I think that the 2nd one would be just as good.
The tricky one to code isn't so much tricky to code as it is just putting more strain on the server to constantly check if there is a car in the impound lot, so what may happen is it will check if the car is in the lot only when someone tries to spawn their car or when the road crew goes to speak with the NPC saying they have impounded a car which then they would receive their reward. To avoid any level of abuse with this, we would need to make respawning/retrieving the car cost more than the reward given to road crew.
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