Additional TDM Cars

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Topic: TDM cars and their updated pack.

Short explanation (in notes):

- New cars have been added to TDM, and It would be great to see them on Perpheads.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

It would be great to see some new cars on the roads and people all over the community aim to get their favourite or preferred cars, so I think it would be a great addition. I have included an image of the new availble cars in the TDM car pack:​





(note: these are not all the new cars in the updated TDM pack)
Would be nice to have the new vehicles added in the next update or something.

+Support Alot of vehicles are seen multiple times, so i'd more like some town cars to be added and be cheap for more realistic-ness-ish how ever that is pronounced...

You can see a lot of same vehicles in the city, its always nice to get more choices
Do you know how much time and efford it takes to balance andfix a car? A lot of people ask for new TDM cars to be added but it just takes up a lot of time.
What about the TDM Trucks as well? At least one of them can have a few uses, especially with Delivery Man.
Of all the TDM Trucks, there's the GMC C5500 (Part of GMC pack), Freightliner Argosy (Part of Murica Truck Pack) and Kenworth T800 (Also part of Murica Truck Pack).
The GMC C5500 could be used with the delivery man.
The two other trucks could be used for some kind of trucking job. And there's even trailers available for them, in the Trailer Pack, so they could transport lots of cargo. Will need a good driver, though. Trailers are sorta big (as they normally are), and some turns on the map will be hard.

Either way, I'll +support this. However, it's going to be hard to balance the car(s), both in overall handling and speed.
If you fancy adding them, sorting out the handling, indicators and other logistics.. be my guest.

Cars are great, and one of the big things that sets us aside from other PERP server is our amazing ability to customize them and the realistic (most of the time) aspects of each car. Sadly there is one drawback, and that is the time it actually takes to add each car individually; I feel that PERPheads has a great selection of cars. All cars can be double upgraded and given a paintjob, and a lot of cars have bodykits.

No car in the server really looks the exact same, you customize it and make it your own.
Obviously new cars would be a bonus, but I'd say they should be added sometime in the future
after more needed things have been done.
As @AyJay already noted, we don't simply take TDM vehicles and place them in. We have to define a large variety of factors as to balance them and have all the lights and such correct. And I personally go through each car as to get its textures to look better with lighting and not just the stock which TDM didn't take much time doing himself.

On top of that cars take up a huge amount of content space per one. So us adding only increases the amount needed in order to see/play.

@Janssoni You may see duplicates of some cars but that could be an organization decision as to what vehicle or that car is one of the best in its price range all things considered. There are a lot of cars I don't see used so I don't see how adding more would really add more variety, other than there being some styles people like so then everyone would take those and you'd end up with the same scenario.

All that said, I'm not specifically against adding more. I just don't know if people realize all the steps taken to even make it possible. From start to finish to add one new vehicle can take upwards of a couple hours. It's not as simple for us to add a working vehicle as it may be for sandbox mode or servers that don't balance vehicles at all.
I honestly think this is a good idea but i would prefer owners to concentrate on other things, there are already enought cars
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