Police Suggestion Administrative bonus for non-Sgt ranked members of training and assistance divisions

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Brief description of idea:
Give people of the following roles administrative bonus regardless of rank:
- Internal Affairs
- Tactical firearms training
- Patrol training
- Traffic training
- Dispatch training
- People services

Currently you will receive an administrative bonus if you are a Sergeant + and you will also receive additional money depending on rank and other specialist roles, however, In my opinion as a patrol trainer, TFTO and Sergeant, There are outstanding members of the patrol training and TFU Training divisions who perform there duties outstandingly, and deserve to receive an administrative bonus for there hard work and determination.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- More incentive to keep performing there duties to an above and beyond status
- Reward for "Voluntary" work will give more people a reason to join training divisions and other helpful roles
What potential negatives could this have for the department:
- @TinySlayer will have to transfer more money to people and it'd be a bit harder to do so.

Whilst i was a CPL i still received my administrative bonus every month for patrol training.
Sergeants don’t get a bonus just for being sergeant. If they are sergeant and hold a specialist role then they get a bonus for this, and that’s the same as any other person who holds administrative roles.

If you are supposed to get a bonus for one of your jobs, you should get it. If you haven’t, you probably haven’t got it because you’ve not done well enough in the eyes of your commanding officer this month, contact them for more info on that and they can escalate it if required.
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