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EMS Department - Ideas & Suggestions
Discussion Post: The discussion post can be found here.
Main Idea: The main idea of this suggestion is to add another division within Paralake, known as the EMS division.
Full description of the idea: The full description of the idea is to add a new division the the City of Paralake. The idea is to add a EMS division that consists of whitelisted paramedics. There will be different ranks that the whitelisted EMS Employees will have, which are listed in the other additions section. It will contain an application process which any regular EMS Employee can apply for a whitelisted rank within the EMS Department. This could also make the EMS Department enrollment higher, with whitelisted, trained technicians.
Why should it be added?: This division should be added, because it can improve role-play with the EMS Department, and the way they act and perform their duties. This should be added because it will organize things, as well as make sure others get the medical technician needed. This will make EMS Department members more professional with their duties, as well as them being supervised whilst on duty as a EMS Technician. It should be added, because it can make a lot of changes within the City, to improving the responsive time, as well as the knowledge of being a paramedic, making sure experienced are most dependent on.
[+] Paralake gets better Paramedics, with proper training.
[+] More organized division than it already is.
[+] May contribute to the PUBLIC.
[-] There are no cons to be listed.
*Other additions:
The Ranks for the Department that could be added are listed below in Order, as they have been found from the USA.
- Probationary Care Provider (PCP) (Starting Rank) (Regular EMS)
- Emergency Care Provider (ECP)
- Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
- Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT)
- Paramedic (Highest Rank)
- Chief of EMS Department (COD) (Highest Paramedic Commanding Rank)
- (Applied Rank) ECP Training Officer
- Senior Medical Technician (SMT) (First Whitelisted Rank)
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) (Second Whitelisted Rank)
- Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) (Third Whitelisted Rank)
- Paramedic (Fourth Whitelisted Rank)
- Chief of EMS Department (Highest Commanding Rank)
TeamSpeak Icons can be developed if needed.
The commanding/highest commanding EMS Officer/Employee can be determined. If anything, @Captain is willing to take the EMS Department position, if needed; other than that anyone that has the skills and training to do so can take on this role.
*Images: Below are listed useful pictures.

This desired tag listed above can be assigned to whitelisted individuals within the EMS Department. There can also be another tag for a high commanding rank, such as Chief of EMS Department.

This desired badge listed above can be assigned to the clothing of whitelisted Paramedics, or original Care Providers. This can always be tweaked, or changed to fit the department in full interest.
There are currently no other images to be listed.
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