All good things must come to an end... for now

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United Kingdom
Hey everyone,

As you have all seen from the post regarding the Staff Changes, Senior Administration and Ownership have made the decision that it is time for change, and in order to facilitate these changes, myself, @Hayden and @SamSN have been removed from the Administrator role, with the option of either the rank of Senior Moderator or Honorary being given to us. Given how my activity hasn't been the greatest in general over these last few months, it has become clear that in all honesty, I have somewhat been sitting on the rank - especially when real life has been catching up with lots of work and other interests. Thus, in the long term, I do believe that this will benefit the staff team and I hope you congratulate everyone who has been promoted. I especially give my congratulations to @Oddy taking up the mantle of Administrator and I am sure he will do great. If you need any advice, don't hesitate to shoot me a message.

Next year will be my 10th year of being in the community and I still remember the day back in 2017 when my Enforcer application first got accepted and have been in the staff team ever since. So as you can imagine, I have met countless people on PERP throughout the years and worked alongside so many staff members both old and new that it would be extremely difficult to tag all of them. I will however, give @Collier my most heartfelt thanks who encouraged me to stay on with the staff team shortly before I got promoted to Admin and for believing in me throughout the years. It's been an absolute pleasure to work alongside you in the Admin Team, same goes with rest of the Admin Team throughout the years.

This isn't the end though as I have been given the opportunity to return to the staff team as a Senior Moderator if I would like to continue making contributions towards administrating the server but we'll see how the next few days/couple of weeks go before I make a full decision. And even then if I decide not to re-join, I'm sure I'll likely be doing stuff in the community, especially with all the work I've done in Source Filmmaker and how a lot of it is used for the community - especially the loading screens and Discord announcements. Who knows, maybe I might get into Blender animation/modelling and possibly work my way up to Developer in the future but that's rather optimistic thinking there haha.

It's been a pleasure to roleplay and to serve you all fellas.
This goodbye hits the hardest out of all them! Good Luck with everything super o7
Who knows, maybe I might get into Blender animation/modelling and possibly work my way up to Developer in the future but that's rather optimistic thinking there haha.
You should definitely get into Blender. SFM is getting older and older as the days go on, and people who are in the SFM community have been making asset packs to migrate SFM assets to Blender. Example

JK. But in all seriousness, I only wish the best for you and I seriously hope you make a return just as you did previously. The staff team is right to offer you coming back as Senior Mod when you're ready, and I give you huge props too recognizing the role is better suited for someone else.

On the flip, plz stick around so I can learn a thing or two about SFM - we gotta make that PLPD movie still!
Super, you were a great friend throughout the years I've had in the community and a fun friend to play with. I remember a lot of the times we've had together in PLPD in the 2016 era. I wish you luck with your outside endeavors but I do hope to play with you again. Enjoyed all the fun.

Sad to see you go. We've been friends since 2017 and granted we used to be a lot closer (MvM, BF2 :cool: ) but I have always had respect and admiration for you for all the times you've helped me and even supported me becoming admin ;).

You're one of the chillest people in this community and I'm glad that you stuck around as long as you did, from all the times running your casino with you up until now where we were both administrators. You've had a long and accomplished journey in this community and you'll always be welcome back with open arms.

I wish you well in whatever you choose to do next with your newfound freedom :)
Hey everyone,

As you have all seen from the post regarding the Staff Changes, Senior Administration and Ownership have made the decision that it is time for change, and in order to facilitate these changes, myself, @Hayden and @SamSN have been removed from the Administrator role, with the option of either the rank of Senior Moderator or Honorary being given to us. Given how my activity hasn't been the greatest in general over these last few months, it has become clear that in all honesty, I have somewhat been sitting on the rank - especially when real life has been catching up with lots of work and other interests. Thus, in the long term, I do believe that this will benefit the staff team and I hope you congratulate everyone who has been promoted. I especially give my congratulations to @Oddy taking up the mantle of Administrator and I am sure he will do great. If you need any advice, don't hesitate to shoot me a message.

Next year will be my 10th year of being in the community and I still remember the day back in 2017 when my Enforcer application first got accepted and have been in the staff team ever since. So as you can imagine, I have met countless people on PERP throughout the years and worked alongside so many staff members both old and new that it would be extremely difficult to tag all of them. I will however, give @Collier my most heartfelt thanks who encouraged me to stay on with the staff team shortly before I got promoted to Admin and for believing in me throughout the years. It's been an absolute pleasure to work alongside you in the Admin Team, same goes with rest of the Admin Team throughout the years.

This isn't the end though as I have been given the opportunity to return to the staff team as a Senior Moderator if I would like to continue making contributions towards administrating the server but we'll see how the next few days/couple of weeks go before I make a full decision. And even then if I decide not to re-join, I'm sure I'll likely be doing stuff in the community, especially with all the work I've done in Source Filmmaker and how a lot of it is used for the community - especially the loading screens and Discord announcements. Who knows, maybe I might get into Blender animation/modelling and possibly work my way up to Developer in the future but that's rather optimistic thinking there haha.

It's been a pleasure to roleplay and to serve you all fellas.
I am glad you are apart of this community. I hope you will become a staff or developer member later on in the future again!
Can I just make it known that Super was a huge factor in my decision to join the staff team to begin with. This guy was also the guy who arranged a talk with fredy when I got CWB'd in a group of other players. Honestly owe super a huge amount for where I am today, and subsequently, The people I also played a role in bringing into the staff team.

Best of luck in future and hope to see you back in blue some day.