Police Suggestion Allow for Dispatch to place warrants when no supervisors on duty

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Maine, United States of America
Description of the idea: The idea itself is pretty self explanatory. Personally I think it would be extremely beneficial if dispatchers could place warrants when no supervisors are around to place them.

Why should this be added? (pros): If this were to be implemented this would allow for late night PD players to change up their policing strategy, and take a more effective stance in combating crime in the city that happens late at night. Rather than having to be a solo cop on duty, a dispatcher could be on duty with a medic or firefighter and actively monitor the CCTV cameras, using his or her resources more effectively rather than combating on going situations with force, but rather with information. This would mean late night players who decide to take to the streets and commit crime, could be held more accountable for their actions. For example, if dispatch saw on the cameras that you killed someone, got in your car and drove off. The dispatch could use your plate number to identify you and place a warrant. Meaning that even if you got on the next day you could still be held accountable for your actions that took place the last night. Overall I think this would make the experience better for late night players, not only late night PD players, as it would force players to switch their strategies and actually think about what they are doing and where they are doing it. This would also help the PD during peak hours, as even if a supervisor isn't present then warrants could still be set to identify, and manage incidents quickly and effectively. And it is very apparent that the PD is extremely under-whelming in its current state I think this could be a valuable asset to the PD as a whole.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Late night sweats that take pride in raiding new players, or just people that raid at night in general to face less opposition can still face the law for the actions they take. As they would in more peak hours. But really there are no cons to this, as dispatchers could easily just set remarks on peoples profiles asking for warrants when a supervisor is on the next day. This would just make the process a lot easier.

*Other additions: Everything I wanted to say is basically listed under the pros section. I am open to feedback on this idea.

*Images: N/A
Late night sweats that take pride in raiding new players, or just people that raid at night in general to face less opposition can still face the law for the actions they take.

Ok dude, we get it, you got raided at 2am.

But who’s gonna get the evidence for the warrant?
Dispatch has effective powers up to LT right? IDK why they can't already place warrants
I suggested this on the PLPD Forums (when it was on PLPD) a year or 2 ago. It was denied. It might get accepted due to different server and PD SMT. I can say a lot of people didn’t like that idea back then. I highly support it!
Personally I think CPLs should be able to breach without warrants like they used to
@MiniRaze yes unless it was removed. Corporals could only batter down doors without warrants when no supervisors are on. C2 is a great alternative if there were more Senior Officer TFU on at later times. Too bad code monkey doesn’t cop main
@CensoredExe If there is no sergeants+ on-duty, corporal is able to battering ram the doors, pretty sure it's still in place, don't think it hasn't been changed.
@CensoredExe No one said they could, Bert said they can battering ram non-warranted doors if there is no supervisors on. MiniRaze - "Personally I think CPLs should be able to breach without warrants"
Bert - "you can when no SGTs are on "
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