Police Suggestion Allow senior officers to remove stolen vehicle remark

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United States
Suggestion Title: Stolen Vehicles

Suggestion Description: Most time Officers and Senior Officers are unable to remove Vehicles that have been stolen and need to be marked as no longer stolen in the F3 due to no CPL+ on duty.

My suggestion is that all officer can remove vehicles marked as stolen in the F3 menu

Why should this be added?:
- It would help make sure players are not constantly getting pulled over due to officers being unable to remove the vehicle wanted status.

What negatives could this have?:
- Abuse of the system and if that’s a concern I would just allow Senior Officers and above instead

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Officers constantly pulling over vehicles because a CPL+ either being unable or not on duty to remove the wanted status on the vehicle
Suggestion Title: Stolen Vehicles

Suggestion Description: Most time Officers and Senior Officers are unable to remove Vehicles that have been stolen and need to be marked as no longer stolen in the F3 due to no CPL+ on duty.

My suggestion is that all officer can remove vehicles marked as stolen in the F3 menu

Why should this be added?:
- It would help make sure players are not constantly getting pulled over due to officers being unable to remove the vehicle wanted status.

What negatives could this have?:
- Abuse of the system and if that’s a concern I would just allow Senior Officers and above instead

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Officers constantly pulling over vehicles because a CPL+ either being unable or not on duty to remove the wanted status on the vehicle
They have the ability to archive it I think.
Well I can easily archive it when I look it up on the wanted status for me? Or it maybe for only RTU if it has been set like that.
You can't do it as normal SO, probably won't get accepted as SO is really easy to get and command believe SO isn't trustworthy.
Yeah Senior Officer simply isn't the rank it was in the past. Now it's more of a "verified IQ over 60" Officer rank.

I wouldn't trust anyone under Corporal to just archive these things sadly. There's a lot of potential for abuse like working with Aldi to distribute stolen cars more easily.
Yeah Senior Officer simply isn't the rank it was in the past. Now it's more of a "verified IQ over 60" Officer rank.

I wouldn't trust anyone under Corporal to just archive these things sadly. There's a lot of potential for abuse like working with Aldi to distribute stolen cars more easily.
Aswell to add on, the point of corporal is so that you're more liable for the mistakes you make.
Senior Officer is really easy to get back if you do so correctly so we'd rather more experienced PLPD members to do these things.
The bar is low for senior but higher when it comes to corporals.
Yeah in the past it took me years to get senior officer. Now its impossible to not get. Corporal is whats hard due to the hidden secret requirements tho i hear they got rid of that. So it makes sense being corporal only as it requires braincells.