Police Suggestion Allow TFU to battering ram any door without having to be SGT+

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: TFU can only use a C2 to breach into a property when no warrant is placed. Unfortunately, we cannot use a battering ram which does not make much sense if we can blow down doors but not ram them. Typically during the morning, there isn't any SGTs+ on so this makes it very difficult to breach in when they can hear the C2 and instant wallbang the TFU when battering ramming the door may be a better approach since you can quickly move out of the way as they shoot through the door/wall. I see C2 as a more tactical, silent way of breaking in where as battering ram is a loud utility but gives you time to quick move out of the way which TFU should be trusted enough to use if they already have access to a C2.

Why should this be added? (pros): Not get insta killed when breaching into an apartment
More utility to use for TFU in unexpected situations (sudden shootout and you have to breach in immediately instead of waiting to place a C2)

What negatives could this have? (cons): Uh none I think?

*Other additions: N/A

*Images: N/A
Think this would be a good addition as TFU can already breach any property with C2 and If people are wallbanging then it would be easier to battering ram than to stand still for 10 seconds whilst adding C2
I think this is a bit eh, if some seniors are getting the ram permissions then all should get it, as they're more for quickly following a suspect or making rapid unplanned entry rather than C2 which is reasonably in TFU's territory.

If the battering ram is only usable in this capacity when TFU is in heavy gear then I agree.
+ TFU is a special section of the PLPD. They take over when they are at the scene of a shootout and thus should have the ability to breach down doors without a warrant. A certain trust is already placed with these TFU officers and they have had training on how to perform at these scenes. This would only be beneficial when there's no SGT+ on duty to place warrants.
C2 is only effective when utilised with the element of surprise which sometimes is lost completely the moment police arrive on scene to an incident. Using the battering ram at times is the far better option due to manoeuvre-ability so I can get behind this idea.

If the battering ram is only usable in this capacity when TFU is in heavy gear then I agree.
Sometimes putting on heavy gear is not an option for certain TFU already in light gear as it kills valuable time.
i reckon anyone corporal plus should be able to set emergency warrants only because there have been times were we've been in a shootout and cant get a warrant set because we dont have a high rank on
Sometimes putting on heavy gear is not an option for certain TFU already in light gear as it kills valuable time.
To be honest the fact that it kills valuable time should be justification for normal SOs to get access to use it on doors without a warrant, especially when there's no Corporal+ on. Battering rams aren't just for raids, but for chasing suspects into properties. Today we had no CPL+ on, and a suspect literally just ran inside his shop and barricaded himself in knowing that we couldn't touch him.
+ support. TFU can already just blow a door right off it's hinges without a warrant. Being able to battering ram it is a good alternative than standing still for 10 seconds at a door waiting to get wall banged...
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